Looking to lose weight, get stronger, and enjoy more activities? This 6-week workout plan helps increase strength and function – perfect for the fall months! Six weeks of home exercises for a fitter, stronger you.
Free 6-Week Fall Workout Plan
18 exercises for 6 full weeks of workouts. Exercises include arms, legs, thighs, core, HIIT, cardio, circuit workouts, and more to target your whole body.
Keep reading for a step-by-step guide of the workouts.
Eliminate guesswork and confusion and start seeing results.
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The days are getting shorter, the weather is a little cooler, and the leaves are starting to change from green to brilliant yellows, reds, and oranges. FALL IS HERE! While speaking of changes, maybe it’s time we changed ourselves a little bit.
With the kids heading back to school, fall is a perfect time to start the workout plan that you’ve just been too busy to get around to this summer. Enter Tone and Tighten! Today I wanted to share with you an all-new workout plan that I’ve come up with for fall.
These are all at-home workouts that require very little equipment (a pair of dumbbells at most) and will yield amazing results.
Whether it’s fall or not, this is a great workout plan you can start today to get yourself in better shape, lose weight, build strength, and feel great.
You might be into our 8-week Beginner Workout and Advanced Workout programs! These ebooks contain over 50 workouts each, delicious healthy recipes, and everything you need to Tone and Tighten! (Click the pics below to be taken to more info about the books)
How Many Days a Week Should You Work Out?
Recommendations are 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, the numbers are doubled for weight loss. Think of your overall goals and what fits into your schedule. Can you fit in 3-4 days per week? That can be a great place to start. Include strength and cardio into your schedule plus rest days.
This six-week workout plan below is an amazing place to start at 3 workouts per week that fit into a busy lifestyle.
Is it Better to Exercise in the Morning or At Night?
Personal preference and schedule are most important when figuring out when to fit in your workouts. Mornings can be a great time to exercise to make sure you fit it in before your days gets too busy. Exercise is also a great way to start the day and it’s linked to better productivity and focus during the day, plus better sleep and improved calorie burning.
Don’t fret if you don’t have time for a workout in the mornings, you are still getting great benefits from exercising any time of day. Make a plan and make it happen!
Now on to the workout plan below.

Six Week Fall Workout Plan
Containing Links To All The Workouts!
(Save it to your computer for quick, easy reference!)

Day Six
Take back your workout time with this quick, at-home, total-body workout with minimal equipment required. All you need are some dumbbells and a jump rope (truthfully, you can even get by without a jump rope!) for a killer total body shred in only 20 minutes!
Day Seven
Get ready for a killer arm day comprised of 6 of my favorite arm-toning exercises. Get it below, and say goodbye to arm jiggle forever! Alternating sets of biceps and triceps workouts for a total arm workout.
Day Eight
All you need is 20 minutes to sculpt the most amazing legs of your life. Try this killer inner thigh workout to tone and tighten. Including 6 moves to better inner thighs, this at home workout is just what your legs need.
Day Ten
Day Thirteen
Total-Body Fat Blasting Video Workout
Looking for a great 30-minute fat-blasting workout that can be done from home with no equipment? This is one of my favorites for those mornings when things are just too hectic to get to the gym. Get some great cardio in the comfort of your own living room and roast some calories with this video.
Day Fourteen
Tank Top Arms Without Weights
An awesome 15-minute arm workout that you can do at home with zero equipment required. No dumbbells, no weights, and no resistance bands needed for these totally effective arm-toning exercises. Tone and sculpt your arms in no time with this workout.
Day Fifteen
This at-home leg circuit is killer. 10 great bodyweight exercises you can do at home with zero equipment required. No gym = no problem with this leg workout. Want stronger and more defined legs? This leg circuit workout is the perfect place to start.
Day Sixteen
5 Great Exercises To Increase Your Core Strength
It’s important to have a strong core for many reasons! Without a strong core our movements become a little more sloppy, a little more uncoordinated, and we’re more susceptible to injury. Here’s my quick at-home workout that you can do to keep your core nice and strong.
Day Seventeen
20 Minute Cardio Strength Workout
The best of both worlds! Combining cardio and strength training for one amazing at-home workout. Includes 5 of my favorite strength moves and putting them together in a way that’s designed to get your heart rate up and keep it there.
Day Eighteen
30-Minute High-Intensity Workout With Weights
We’re turning things up today with a round of 4 of my favorite total-body dumbbell exercises. The challenge is to perform these in series with as little rest as possible between exercises. Push yourself harder/faster and burn more calories in less time. This is a great workout you can do at home with a set of dumbbells or you can do it in the gym with access to barbells.
You rocked it!
Interested in more great workouts from Tone and Tighten?
Free Total Body Weekly Workout Plan
The Mommy Tummy Fix; Postpartum Abs Workout Program
Total Body Gym Workout For Beginners
30-Minute Indoor Cardio Workout
Be sure to not miss another post!
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Questions? Comments? Suggestions? I love to hear from T&T readers!
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Make it happen,