Want to be more toned? 10 of the best workouts you can do at home for muscle definition. Tone and tighten your arms, shoulders, abs, butt, and legs with these simple exercises.

- At Home Exercises to Tone Your Arms
- At-Home Workout to Tone Your Shoulders
- Best Ab Core Workout with Weights
- 15 Minute Booty Builder Workout At home
- 30 minute Dumbbell Leg Workout
- The Best Arm Toning Workout with Dumbbells
- At-Home Shoulder Workout With Weights
- Exhaust your Abs At Home Workout
- At Home Booty Pop Workout
- Killer At home Leg Circuit Workout
Keep reading for the workouts below.
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Because “Fit” is the new “Skinny”
Hey everyone! Welcome to another “Weekly Workout Plan” here on Tone-and-Tighten.com. Some of the most-asked questions here on my site go something like this: “How can I increase definition in my _____?” “How can I sculpt my ____?” Or even “I want to tone my ____. Do you have workouts that can do that?” My answer to all of these questions is – you bet I can help you out!
Because this site is about a lot more than simply losing weight and getting thinner. This site is all about “Toning” muscle and “Tightening” areas in which you would like to see a little more definition.
So today I wanted to share with you 5 of my favorite at-home workouts to increase muscle definition. We’ll talk about everywhere from your arms and butt to your legs and core… and we’ll do it starting right now!
So here’s the key with muscle definition in any area we may be talking about – you have to be strength training. It’s amazing how many people write to me frustrated and upset with their weight loss/fitness efforts who are missing this one key element.
In order to boost your metabolism, lose more weight, and ultimately see more definition in your muscles – you have to be resistance training. I don’t care if it’s dumbbells, resistance bands, or bodyweight only – you need to perform exercises against resistance! Especially you ladies – don’t worry about “getting big” and “bulking up”; if done correctly resistance training is an integral part in helping you tone and tighten some of your biggest problem areas.
Want to get in better shape but aren’t too sure where to start?
I’ve got your solution.
Our “Back To Basics” ebook is a 6-week workout plan designed specifically for beginners to help you burn calories, lose weight, and tone muscle – all from the comfort of your own home! There’s no equipment required, each workout is completely unique, and best of all – there’s video instruction for every single workout.
CLICK HERE to learn more about “Back To Basics“
Health Benefits of Resistance Training
Adding a strength training routine into your weekly workout plan will help you improve your fitness and your overall health. Here are some of the key benefits of participating in regular resistance training:
- Increased muscle strength and tone
- Helps with weight loss and weight maintenance
- Protects your muscles and joints from injury
- Boosts your metabolism (because more muscle burns more fat)
- Improves flexibility, balance, agility, and stamina
- Reduces risk and helps to control chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, arthritis, back pain
- Improves mood, self-confidence, and sense of well-being
- Decreases feelings of depression and anxiety
- Improves posture
- Increases bone density and strength
- Improves sleep
Plus many more! Regular strength training will help you to improve your ability to perform daily tasks. Your endurance, mood, and fitness will increase and so will your health.
Types of Resistance Training
There are many types of exercise that count as resistance training. It can include free weights, medicine balls, weight machines, resistance bands, suspension equipment, or your own body weight. Each can give you a great workout to help you build strength, tone your muscles, and improve your health.
Check out some of my favorite resistance training workouts:
Total Body Resistance Band Workout
10 Best At-Home Workouts For Muscle Definition
At Home Bodyweight Back Workout
Total Body Gym Workout For Beginners
Beginner Recommendations for Strength Training
If you are a beginner to weight training, follow a few key principles to avoid injury, learn correct technique, and enjoy many benefits of becoming stronger and more toned.
- Start with strength training about 2 days per week and slowly work up from there if desired. Be sure to take appropriate rest days between hard workouts.
- Start with low weight, or even your own body weight. Make sure you learn proper form before you add heavy weights.
- Do some warm-up and cool-down before and after exercising.
- And be sure to refuel appropriately with water, carbohydrates, and protein after a workout!
10 Best At-Home Workouts For Muscle Definition:
Be sure to not miss another post!
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Our 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan features over 50 workouts, 15 healthy and delicious recipes, tips, motivation and more to help you achieve your fitness goals. Check it out here.