8 of the best exercises with resistance bands in one great at-home workout. You can build muscle, add definition, and tone and tighten with resistance bands to take any body-weight exercise to the next level. Resistance bands are the simple, convenient way to bring the gym home to you.

- Squats
- Bent Over Rows
- Press
- Lateral Raises
- Chops
- Reverse Chop
- Bird Dog
- Russian Twist
Keep reading for a step-by-step guide with pictures, videos, and descriptions of each of these exercises.
Eliminate guesswork and confusion and start seeing results.
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I got this one earlier this week and couldn’t believe I hadn’t posted anything about resistance bands yet.
As a physical therapist I work with them all day every day – they’re a wonderful way to add resistance to pretty much any exercise.
Using some of my favorite resistance band exercises I’ve come up with an amazing total-body workout that will take any body-weight exercise to the next level.
Check it out.
You can do many variations of common dumbbell and gym workouts easily with resistance bands, and even some exercises that are not possible with regular weights.
Resistance bands are great because you can get an effective strength training workout when you’re at home, traveling, or just wanting to add a little variety.
The downside is that you can’t increase the weight with resistance bands. There are bands that add more or less tension, but it’s hard to know the exact level of resistance.
Both resistance bands and weights will bring great benefits, use the one that fits your needs and lifestyle.
Yes, resistance bands can build muscle. To grow bigger muscles you need to overload a muscle so it will repair itself bigger and stronger. Resistance bands add resistance and tension to accomplish this.
Just as bodyweight exercises are effective, you can do total body workouts with resistance bands to get a lean and ripped body.
Try it out for your next workout. Resistance bands are effective, inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to use.
This total body resistance band workout includes 4 circuits for an amazing killer workout. Each circuit has 2 exercises, repeat each circuit 3 times and then move to the next circuit.
The Workout
Circuit 1
We’ll start with some legs and back.
1a. Squats
- Step on your band with both feet about shoulder width apart.
- Get down into a squat position and hold the handles at shoulder height.
- Keep your chest up, your back straight, and push through your hips/butt to stand upright.
- Return slowly to starting position and repeat.
10-20 times
1b. Bent over rows
- Hold the band in front of you and lean forward slightly while keeping your back straight (chest towards the floor).
- Step on your band in a slightly squatted position.
- Keep your lower back tight and straight as you pull your elbows back behind you.
- Really concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the contraction.
10-20 times
Repeat circuit one 3 times and then move on to circuit two.
Circuit 2
Moving on to chest and shoulders.
2a. Press
- Anchor the band behind you (in a door anchor, around a railing/banister/null post, etc).
- With your back towards the anchor, grasp the handles at shoulder height.
- Keep you core nice and tight as you extend at your elbows and push the handles away from you.
- Squeeze your chest together as you extend your arms all the way out and then slowly return to starting position.
10-20 times
2b. Lateral raises
- Hold the handles at your waist and step on the band with one or both feet.
- Keep your core tight and your elbows straight as you lift your arms out to the side and pull the band up to shoulder level.
- Slowly return to starting position.
10-15 times
Repeat circuit two 3 times and then on to circuit three
Circuit 3
Time to get the whole core going…
3a. Chops
- Anchor the band somewhere high (a little more difficult without a door anchor. Get creative on this one).
- Stand laterally to the band and grasp the handles. The starting position for your hands should be at shoulder level with both hands on the left side.
- Contract your core and pull the bands down and across your body. The finishing position for this one is both hands on your right side and low (about waist level).
- Slowly return to starting position.
10-15 reps each side
3b. Reverse Chop
- Just the opposite of chops. Anchor the band somewhere low (doorway with door anchor, bed post, etc).
- Stand lateral to your anchor with the anchor down at your left foot. Both hands grab the handles in the starting position with your hands at your left hip.
- Contract your core and pull both handles up above shoulder level and to the right (your hands should finish up above your right shoulder). Slowly return to starting position.
10-15 reps to each side
Repeat circuit three 3 times and then on to circuit four.
Circuit 4
We’ll finish by tapping out the core
4a. Bird Dog
- Get down on all fours.
- With one handle around your left foot and the other in your right hand, extend your left leg back behind you while reaching your right arm forward.
- Slowly return to starting position.
10-15 reps each side
4b. Russian Twist
- Sit with the band around both your feet and hold the handles in your hands.
- Lift your feet up off the floor about 6-12 inches and hold them there statically.
- Rotate your torso to the right, taking the band down towards the floor at your right hip.
- Return to starting position and repeat the motion this time to the left.
15 touches to each side
Repeat circuit 4 three times
You’ve become a resistance band master.
If you get much better I’ll have to watch out for my job in the PT clinic.
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Looking for more great resistance band workouts?
Be sure to follow Tone and Tighten on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for more workouts, recipes, and fitness ideas.
If you ever have questions about this or any of the other exercises/workouts here on T&T please don’t hesitate to comment below or email me at ToneandTightenFitness{@}gmail{dot}com