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Who’s ready for summer?
With the hot months right around the corner now is a perfect time to begin preparation on your bikini body! Get the long, lean, toned look you’ve always wanted by working out with! Every Monday here on my site I post a “Weekly Workout Plan“; 5 (sometimes more) great exercises you can do throughout the week to slim down and tone up. This is a great way to mix up your “norm” and try something new essentially every week! This week I’m dedicating to getting that bod ready to rock on the beach this summer. I’m sharing some of my favorite workouts for tank top arms, chiseled abs, and sexy, shapely legs. Own the beach with confidence… and we’ll do it right… NOW!
Workout 2
Booty Pop
Workout 3
Sleeveless Shoulders
Workout 4
Inner Thigh Meltdown
Workout 5
Shredded 6-Pack
Our 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan features over 50 workouts, 15 healthy and delicious recipes, tips, motivation and more to help you achieve your fitness goals! Check it out here!