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Looking for a killer total body workout but don’t have a lot of time or equipment at home? Look no further than this total-body BURNER! You don’t need any equipment – all exercises are bodyweight resistance only. However we’re combining multiple moves to work every major large muscle group in your body. Sound intense? It is. Are you ready for it? Probably not. But are you a little excited about the challenge? You bet. Let’s do this…
Here at Tone and Tighten we specialize in at-home workouts just like this one. They’re designed to be quick, effective, and fun to do. Check out our “30 For 30” ebook – 30 workouts just like this one that you can do at home without a lot of equipment and doesn’t require a lot of time:
The “30 For 30 Workout Series” ebook!

And now on to our workout.
You’ll perform the following 5 moves in a HIIT interval format – 45 seconds doing work followed by 15 seconds trying to breathe before moving straight into the next move. After performing all 5 exercises one after the other, rest for one minute and then repeat this series 2 more times (3 rounds total).
Should take about 25 minutes total for a killer total-body workout! Scroll down to see the video…
1. 180 Burpees – 45 seconds
Just like a regular burpee, but turn 180 degrees in the air
15-second rest
2. Lunge and Twist (RIGHT) – 45 seconds
Step back into a lunge, but when pulling forward bring your knee toward your opposite shoulder and rotate your trunk
15-second rest
3. Lunge and Twist (LEFT) – 45 seconds
Step back into a lunge, but when pulling forward bring your knee toward your opposite shoulder and rotate your trunk
15-second rest
4. Toe Tap Planks – 45 seconds
Hold a tall plank position – alternate touching your right toes with your left hand and your left toes with your right hand.
15-second rest
5. Pulse Squat Jumps – 45 seconds
Squat jumps with three mini pulses between each rep.
15-second rest
6. Shoulder Tap Push Ups – 45 seconds
Tap your left shoulder, tap your right shoulder, do a push-up, then repeat.
15-second rest
Rest for 1 minute, then repeat the whole circuit 2 more times (3 times total)
Did you complete it? Let me know how you did!
Leave me a comment below, or tag me on IG at @tone_and_tighten
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