Looking for an awesome butt workout to do at the gym? Grab a barbell and let’s get rid of that flat booty- these exercises will help sculpt and define the glutes you want.
Here are the butt exercises to do at the gym for this workout with a barbell:
- Squats
- Straight Leg Deadlifts
- Walking Lunges
- Weighted Step-Ups
- Weighted Glute Bridges
Keep reading below for a detailed description of how to do each of these exercises.
The secret to a round, perky perfect backside
I will let you in on a secret – in order to achieve a shapelier backside you must be doing some weight lifting!
Resistance training is the most effective way to trim fat and increase muscle mass in your body.
Today I wanted to share a quick 30 minute butt blaster that you can do the next time you’re in the gym!
Before we begin, have you checked out my YouTube Channel?
Here’s another Booty Workout you are going to want to try:
How To Build A Stronger Butt
The main muscle in your “butt” is called the gluteus maximus. It attaches from the back of your hips and tailbone and inserts over at the lateral hip. The main action this muscle performs is hip extension. That means it pulls your knee back behind your body.
In order to maximize training your butt, you have to focus on exercises that work the gluteus maximus through its entire range of motion – meaning a position of hip flexion all the way through extension. The exercises listed below will do just that.
The 30 Minute Booty Circuit Workout
This workout will be presented as a circuit workout with one burnout set at the end.
You’ll alternate performing the first two exercises back-to-back until all the sets have been completed.
Then alternate exercises 3-4 in the same manner.
Finally you’ll end with a quick Tabata-style burnout set at the end.
Sound fun? I knew you’d be excited!
The Workout
Circuit 1
1. Squats
How to do a squat with a barbell:
- Hold the barbell up on your traps (not on top of your shoulders, but a little behind them).
- Keep your chest up, head forward, feet hip-width apart.
- Lower your butt to the ground, keeping your knees over your toes.
- Sink your backside as low as you can, aiming to get your thighs parallel to the ground.
- Pressing into your heels, raise back up again to return to the starting position.
- Squeeze your glutes at the top of the squat before performing your next rep.
Perform 10 squats and move on to Straight-Leg Deadlifts
2. Straight-Leg Deadlifts
How to do a straight-leg deadlift:
- With your feet hip-width apart and your torso upright, slightly bend your knees to pick up the barbell off the ground.
- Keep an overhand grip on the barbell as you bring it to standing position with your torso straight.
- Keep your back straight and hinge forward at your hips.
- Focus on squeezing through your butt as you bring your torso straight up again to the starting position.
- Bonus: squeeze glutes before performing your next rep.
Perform 10 Straight Leg Deadlifts and go back to 10 Squats
***Perform 3 alternating sets of each and then move on to circuit 2***
Circuit 2
3. Walking Lunges
How to do a walking lunge with a barbell:
- With a barbell across your upper back, start standing with feed shoulder width apart.
- Step forward with your left leg, bending your left so that your hips drop. Keep your torso as straight as possible.
- Make sure that your left knee does not go in front of your toes.
- Push through the heel of your left foot and squeeze your butt to extend both knees to come to standing position.
- Repeat with opposite leg.
Perform 10 walking lunges on each leg and move on to Weighted Step Ups
4. Weighted Step Ups
How to do a weighted step up:
- With a barbell on your upper back, place your left foot up on a bench (or step or chair).
- Press through the left heel as you step up onto the bench, bringing your right foot to meet your left foot so you are standing straight up on the bench.
- Return to the starting position by stepping down with the left foot so that both feet return to the floor.
Perform 10 step ups on each leg and move back to Walking Lunges
*Perform 3 alternating sets of each and then move on to your burnout set*
Burnout Exercise
Weighted Glute Bridges (Hip Thrusters)
How to do a weighted glute bridge (or hip thruster):
- Set up a bench and test it to make sure it won’t move as you bridge onto it.
- Place your upper back on the bench and sit your butt on the ground with your legs out straight.
- Place barbell over your hips and plant your feet on the ground, close to your butt.
- Squeeze your butt and lift your hips up off of the ground, driving the barbell upward. Hold it for 1-2 seconds, then lower it back down.
- Be sure to focus on the movement coming from your backside!
As many reps as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10, and repeat 6 times total! (Pick a weight that’s light enough that you can do it 8-10 times in the first 20-second interval and then shoot for at least 6 reps by the last interval)
Congratulations! Your butt should be burning on this one, but it will be so worth it!!
When it comes to shaping a round, toned booty, exercise is only half the battle. It’s crucial that you are eating clean as well.
Be sure to check out my 4 Week 1500 Calorie Eating Plan where I outline your breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks to help you lose weight fast.
Get your copy of my 4 Week Healthy Meal Plan by CLICKING HERE.
Be sure to check out these other workouts that are great for your backside:
Leave me a comment below or email me at ToneandTightenFitness{at}gmail.com

As a beginner, what weight should I use?
Each exercise will require a different weight as you’re going to be stronger with some moves than with others. Pick a light enough weight that you can perform 10 repetitions three times, and then increase from there. Good luck, Lucija!