Due to the huge success of our last “Burn 100 Calories“ post we’ve decided to follow up with an entire series. Short on time? Feeling pressed to get in a quality workout but only have about 10 minutes? No time = no problem with this workout.
All you need is 10 minutes, a little space, and the drive to melt away 100 calories.
Perform as many repetitions as possible of each of the following exercises in the given amount of time. Track your reps and see if you can beat it the next time you try this workout!
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute of Squats
1 minute Jump Lunges (alternating legs)
1 minute Russian Twists
30 second Plank
30 second side plank; 30 seconds on the other side
30 second Plank
(-No resting between planks-)
(-No resting between planks-)
1 minute Push Ups
1 minute Mountain Climbers
1 minute Tuck Jumps
1 minute “Boxers” (throw alternating punches from a boxer stance)
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
I am LOVING your posts! We just started a Tips and Tricks Tuesday link party for people sharing and seeking advice about all things health / weight loss. Many would find your posts extremely helpful so we’d love if you’d link some up!
Thank you so much for the kind comment and the invite! We’ll be sure to stop by!
I can’t wait to try some of these workouts, and I love that they are geared toward moms. I recently stopped nursing, and in three weeks, I’ve gained 10 pounds. I’m hoping some of these workouts can help me get back on track. 🙂
You kill me! This sounds all too familiar… hmmm…. where have I heard this before…. oh yeah!!! MY WIFE!!! THREE TIMES!!! Hang in there- you can totally do it! Thanks for stopping by and for the kind comment. Much more to come in the future!
Great post, I usually exercise with my friends and next we are going to try this regime. For me exercise is not just to stay slim or have a flat abs it’s about feeling good about your body and stay healthy. I just follow to steps to stay healthy – regular exercise and balance diet. But people still do not exercise regularly but they should. I study some facts few days back. Take a look.
Thanks Max! I appreciate your thoughts on fitness… I’m the same way. Sure flat abs are great (I wouldn’t mind it!) but for me it’s all about being able to run around with my kiddos and not get winded or make it through a full Saturday doing some yard work. Can’t wait to check out your sight!
Thanks again,