Best Exercises To Tighten Your Stomach
- Plank
- Bicycle Crunch
- Double Straight-Leg Raise
- Jackknife Sit-Up
Keep reading below for pictures/descriptions of each of these exercises.
Don’t have the time for a flat stomach? Think again.
Many people don’t realize it, but it actually doesn’t take hours of grueling work to get a flat, toned stomach.
The key is NOT doing thousands of sit-ups and crunches; the key is activating the RIGHT muscle in the RIGHT way to tighten your midsection and tone your stomach.
You don’t need a ton of time or a ton of space; all you need is the right exercises performed the right way.
In just 4 moves a day, 4 days a week, you can carve out some major definition and actually lose “excess” around your midsection. Check out these 4 killer exercises for a toned and tight stomach…
Now – let me first mention a word about “spot treating”.
In the fitness world we refer to spot treating as focusing on one area of your body and working that area really had with the goal of losing weight/toning that spot.
Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. It’s impossible to “only” lose weight in a certain area or train one spot to see results.
When our body burns calories and loses weight, it doesn’t isolate one area over the other. Granted body types will definitely carry fat differently, but unfortunately it’s impossible to lose from one area and one area only.
While the following exercises are going to be among the most effective for activating the muscles responsible for the toned, tight midsection; the best way to maximize your results in this area is to COMBINE this workout with regular exercise (30 minutes 4 days/week) and a healthy eating plan.
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A few common questions I get asked regularly about toning your abs…
What are the best exercises to flatten my stomach?
When we think of core exercises, we often think of sit-ups and crunches. These only activate one of our core muscles (the rectus abdominis) in one very specific way. In order to maximize your efforts you need activate the deepest abdominal layer (the transverse abdominis). The best core exercises to flatten your stomach are those where you can “suck in” your stomach (pulling your belly button towards your spine) while doing it.
Which muscle should I train to flatten my stomach?
The transverse abdominis muscle is your deepest abdominal layer. This is the muscle that we activate to “suck in” our stomach when we are trying on jeans or trying to impress at the beach. This muscle will help with that toned, tight look if you can activate it effectively during your core workouts.
What is the best exercise for belly fat?
It’s impossible to “spot train” an area and lose weight in one spot. If you’re looking to lose fat (and therefore belly fat as well) the best exercises are regular cardio and focused core strengthening combined with a healthy eating plan. The final component is consistency – it takes time to see a change so don’t give up!
*** The key to a flat stomach… ***
As mentioned above – the whole key to flattening your stomach is activating the right muscles in the right way. Stop doing so many sit ups and crunches and start thinking “deeper”.
The key to a toned, flat stomach is activating your transverse abdominis muscle. This is the deepest of the four abdominal muscles. It attaches to your lower back, wraps around your sides, and inserts into a broad ligament down the front of your stomach – basically forming a corset around your midsection.
A strong muscle is a tight muscle. Strengthening your transverse abdominis essentially tightens your “corset” and therefore “sucks” everything in stronger and tighter.
Throughout this workout remember – I want you to suck your belly button towards your spine with all of these exercises and do all you can to hold it there!
Okay – let’s make it happen.
We’ll be performing 4 exercises in a successive circuit format – you’ll perform exercises A, B, C, D one right after the other according to the number indicated with as little rest as possible. We’ll then repeat that three times. This is a great way to maximize your time and results.
The Workout
Hold at least 30 seconds (you may have to start on your knees); try to keep your stomach “sucked in” while up in plank position.
How to do a plank
- Get down on your toes and elbows (may have to start on knees and elbows)
- Keep your core tight and stomach sucked in towards your spine while you hold this position.
- 30-second hold.
Bicycle Crunch
Focus on using your muscles, not your momentum, to pull your elbow to your opposite knee. 10 reps each side (20 total)
How to do a Bicycle Crunch
- Lay on your back and place your hands behind your head.
- Pull your left knee up towards your right shoulder while bringing your right elbow towards your left knee.
- Return to the starting position and repeat with the right knee/left elbow.
- Again – your focus is keeping your stomach sucked in and tight while performing the bicycle crunch.
Double Straight-Leg Raise
One of my favorites for the lower abs. Try to keep your back flat throughout the whole motion. 10 reps
How to do a Double Straight Leg Raise
- Lay on your back with your legs straight.
- Suck in your stomach, try to keep your back flat, and hinge at your hips to raise your feet towards the ceiling.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Again – your emphasis here is keeping your stomach sucked in and tight throughout the exercise.
Jackknife Sit-up
From full flat to arms and legs straight up to the ceiling; make sure to get your shoulders off the floor. 10 reps
How to do a Jackknife Sit-Up
- Lay on your back with your legs out straight and your arms over your head.
- Raise your legs up towards the ceiling while bringing your hands towards your toes.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Keep your stomach sucked in and tight throughout the motion.
Repeat 3 times for flat, toned abs!
Looking for more great ab-slimming routines? Here are a few of my favorites on Tone-and-Tighten.com:
Muffin Top “Problem Areas” Workout
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Questions or comment for Jared at Tone and Tighten? Leave a comment below or email me at jared{at}toneandtightenfitness{dot}com
Make it happen,
Hello my name is Alex im 16 and in the past year I lost 58 pounds now I have alot of loose skin hanging and I want a flat toned stomach will these exercises actually help me or not and how long till u would start to see results .
Hi Alex. Congratulations on your weight loss! That’s fantastic! Unfortunately every ab/core workout you will find is designed to tone and strengthen muscle. Your skin is a separate organ that sits on top of your muscles. After it has been stretched out significantly you can expect some rebound to it, but not much. Things like massage and strength training should help improve your skin’s elasticity, but ultimately if you have a ton of excessive skin surgical intervention may be required. Thanks for writing in!
Hello…my name is Rashida. I am 36 years old and I had a child two years ago. I am having so much trouble losing my belly fat. The more I exercise and diet I’m just losing weight every where else and my belly fat stays the same. Will these exercises work for me???
Hello Rashida! Unfortunately in regards to weight loss it’s impossible to “spot treat”; meaning you can’t lose fat in one area specifically and only in that area. That being said – these are great exercises to help strengthen and tone your abdominal wall to “tighten” things up around your midsection resulting in a flatter stomach. Combine these with regular cardio exercise and you should be well on your way!