We’ve all got them. They are those small things about ourselves that we wish could just look a little bit better. “I wish my butt fit these jeans better.” “I wish I could go sleeveless without worrying about how my arms look.” “I have cankles.” They often become our fixation as far as health and fitness goes – no matter how good everything else is looking the lack of progress in this one area becomes our obsession. Yes, my friends, these are our “problem areas”… and for the next 12 weeks we are taking them back!
I am stoked out of my mind to introduce you to the newest series here on T&T = the “Problem Areas” series! In response to your emails I’ve selected 12 of your most-asked about problem areas and turned them into a 3-month, melting, toning, shaping, get-rid-of-forever, holy-cow-I-didn’t-know-I-could-look-so-good series!! From “cankles” and “thutt” to “arm jiggle” and “no-baby baby bump”; every week for the next 12 weeks I’ll roll out another workout designed to eliminate your top problem areas!
We’re kicking things off this series with one of the most-common problem areas I get asked about… “The Muffin Top”. This is the little pooch (I can call it a pooch and not offend anyone cuz we’re going to shred that bad boy away forever) that sits right above your jeans that makes your lower torso look like a delicious breakfast banana muffin. TODAY WE’RE TAKING IT BACK!!! Here’s a workout designed to melt away the muffin top. Goodbye forever, favorite pair of spanks! You’re not needed here anymore…
The Workout
Bicycle Crunches
All about the cross-crunch motion to kick on the obliques as well as the anterior part of the abs
30 seconds
Double Leg Raises
Pull your belly button towards your spine and concentrate on using your lower abs throughout the motion.
30 seconds
Side Plank Hip Lift

Taking the side plank to a whole new level! From a side plank raise your hips up towards the ceiling and then sag them to the floor (without touching the floor!!). Repeat.
30 seconds
Windshield Wipers
Lay on your back with your knees bent and arms out to the side. Drop your knees all the way to the left side and then raise them back up towards the ceiling. Repeat to the right. Then the left. Then the right… (you get the idea)!
30 seconds

Great way to take care of the posterior muffin. Lay on your stomach and alternate lifting left arm with right leg and right arm with left leg (as in a “swimming” motion).
30 seconds
But don’t get too comfortable. We’ve got more sets!
30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times AND THEN
Mountain Climbers
Right after “Swimmers” on your last set! No rest – jump right into mountain climbers… just because you really want to get rid of the excess above your belt line! This is it! Last exercise! Go hard and don’t stop!!
60 seconds!
Awesome job! How’s that for an amazing lower and oblique abdominal burn!
Goodbye forever, Muffin Top!
What are some of your “problem areas”? What do you do about them? Leave a comment below or email me at [email protected]
Make it happen,
By Jared Beckstrand
Hey Jared… Came across some of your exciting moves for sculpting arms and muffin top but I am in dire need of help as far as my thighs and hips are concerned. They have taken a very shabby appearance and instantly 8 kgs of weight gain is all concentrated in these areas. I need to drop those extra kgs and at the same time get my body thighs, hips and arms toned. Pl help me in shredding those areas. All of my confidence is shattered due that. Pl help.
I assure you that I resort to clean eating habits and avoid processed foods and junk. My hormone levels are normal but I have observed that whenever I think much or am tensed, I abruptly put on weight in these areas but this time it is worse. Pl help and guide. I need to get in shape by november 13 for my convocation
Hi Sadia!!
Thanks so much for your comment! As far as thighs and hips are concerned, I’ve got numerous workouts that can help you out! Here are a few of my favorites:
I would also recommend that you check out my popular “Beginner’s Guide To Weight Loss” eBook: https://tone-and-tighten.com/2015/06/beginners-guide-to-weight-loss-ebook.html
Let me know if I can help any further!