Do you find yourself stuck in the crunch zone? Oftentimes in the PT clinic I ask my patients if they ever do any core work. Those who answer in the affirmative will proceed to tell me all about how they do 30, 50, 100 (whatever the number) crunches everyday and how they feel they have a strong core. We’ll then proceed to try some side planks or anything involving their lower abs and things go downhill in a hurry! Today’s post is dedicated to you, Crunchy Cruncherton! Get an AMAZING core workout quickly and without a single crunch to be seen! (Disclaimer: I’ve got nothing against crunches – they’re a great exercise for your upper rectus abdominis. I am saying let me show you a bunch more exercises that are more effective for your entire core.) Ready… Go!
Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of super-setting exercises. If you’re like me you don’t have a ton of time and would rather work out another muscle while “resting” the first. That being said I’m sharing 6 exercises; you superset two of them together at a time until you get through all 6 (3 rounds total).
Plank: my go-to core exercises. Try to keep your back straight and don’t let it sag. Suck your belly button in to your spine while holding the plank to activate you transvers abdominis. This muscle is key in spine stability and getting rid of any “pooches” or “pouches”.
Flutter Kicks: One of my favorites to fire up the lower abs. Again, keep that navel sucked in to your back while fluttering.
Side Planks: My go-to for the obliques (also great at activating the quadratus lumborum- essential in spine stabilization). Pop up onto your elbow and side of your foot and try to maintain a straight spine.
Reverse crunches: alright, alright- I know I said no crunches. But this one is a reverse crunch – there’s no raising of the shoulders off the ground so I feel good about leaving it in! It helps to anchor your hands above your head – pull your knees up towards your head and ceiling until your knees are over your face. Slowly return to the starting position
Mountain Climbers: we’ll tap you out with an abdominal cardio surprise to finish off! Down in a “starter” position bring alternating knees up towards your shoulders. Keep your core strong throughout the motion
Tuck Jumps: my wife’s favorite (no… not really). Jump and tuck your knees up towards your chest. Then do it again, and again, and again…
There’s really no higher compliment to a blogger than a social media shout-out. If you like this workout I would love a “share” on FaceBook or even a “Pin” on Pinterest. I’ve got the best readers in the world and thank you for your continued support!
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
I have had a spiral break and tendon snap awhile back and was supposed to have had a pin placed, but due to circumstances, couldn’t. As a result, can’t jump or run and my balance is shot. Is there anything I can do that doesn’t involve jarring or straining my ankle/leg please?
Hi Shez!
So sorry to hear about your leg! I know that’s a long and painful recovery process that oftentimes still hurts up to a year after it happens.
It sounds like you need more low-impact workouts to avoid running, jumping, etc. This link will take you to about 60 workouts you can try that are all low-impact:
Hope it’s what you’re looking for! Thanks for following T&T!