Cardio? Strength? How about “Cardio-Strength”?!!!
Full disclosure – I am not a huge fan of cardio. I get that it’s necessary for peak performance and weight loss and I have definitely found ways that I like to keep it interesting (Running Intervals and Treadmill Workouts are a few of my favorites!), but give me strength training any day! Well – today I thought “Why not get the best of both??” Which brings me to my “Cardio-Strength” workout for today!! I’m calling it “Crength”… or “Stardio”… either way it’s taking 5 of my favorite strength moves and putting them together in a way that’s designed to get your heart rate up and keep it there! Hope you enjoy!
Need an awesome floor mat for your at-home exercises? I’ve got a recommendation for you… RIGHT HERE!
Warm Up
For these at-home workouts I’ll take a quick lap around the block, climb my stairs 10 times, or even march in place for a couple of minutes. Anything to get the blood moving!
The Workout
Squat Jumps
Down into a deep squat (knees parallel to the floor) and then explode up into a jump. Land as softly as possible.
1 minute
Alternating Side Lunges
Lunge over laterally onto the right leg trying to keep your knee right over your big toe. Come down to parallel to the floor and push off back to upright.
1 minute
1 minute
Mountain Climbers
Down in tall plank on hands and toes, bring your right knee up into your chest and then return to the starting position. Repeat with the left knee. Then repeat. And repeat. And… you get the idea.
1 minute
Alternating Toe Touches

Lay flat on your back, legs out straight and arms extended overhead. Keeping your knee and elbow extended straight, touch your left toes with your right hand. Return to starting position and repeat with right toes/left hand.
1 minute
But only for 60 seconds…
1 minute
Repeat this circuit 3-4 times and consider yourself “Crength-ified”!! (It’s going to catch on…)
Looking for more great at-home cardio workouts?
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
For the mountain climbers exercise, your description says that you are on your elbows and toes, but the picture shows on hands and toes. Also, the video of alternating toe touches does not match the description. Which one did you mean for us to do? Excited to try it! Thanks for posting this!
Wow – can’t believe no one has ever caught those before! Thanks so much, Marie, for bringing that to my attention.
Got them all fixed and the workout is ready to rock and roll. You’ll have to let me know what you think of it!