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“So I’ve got a bar and a bunch of weights, but no rack. What can I do with it?”
Any of you find yourselves in the same predicament? Barbell with weights but no rack to put it on? I got this email from a viewer a week or so ago and LOVE the idea! What kind of workout can I come up with that utilizes the bar and the weights when you don’t have a rack to rest it on?! Challenge accepted! Today I’m bringing you my “Rackless Barbell Workout” – 6 of my favorite moves you can do with your barbell and weights that don’t require a rack. This one’s a killer… check it out…
I’ve tried to organize these in a way that we work big muscle groups before little muscle groups and so that you shouldn’t have to constantly worry about adjusting the weights. Hopefully you’re able to spend more time lifting than changing weights!
We always warm up. Ellipticals and row machines are my go-to in the gym (something that gets the upper body moving) while jogging around the block, jump rope, and push-ups are my go-to at home.
5-10 minutes
Circuit A
Alternate exercises until three sets of each have been performed
One of my all-time favorite barbell moves. Combining front squats with a military to work your quads and hips up to your shoulder and arms. Make sure you keep your back straight, shoulders back, and head high throughout the lift.
10 reps
Bent-over Rows
Keep your back straight, bend your knees slightly, and lean forward at the hips. Pull your elbows back behind you and row the bar up to your chest. Slowly return to starting position. Make sue to keep your lower back straight and your stomach tight.
10 reps
Dead Lifts
One of the best butt/hips/legs/low-back exercises out there. Try to keep your back straight – bend at the knees and hinge at your hips and use your butt, hamstrings, and lower back to pull yourself upright.
3 sets of 10
Circuit B
Alternate exercises until three sets of each have been performed
Standing barbell curls are one of my favorites for the biceps. Make sure you go all the way down when you straighten out your elbows (no cheating!)
10 reps
Skull Crushers
Lay on your back with your barbell straight up towards the ceiling. Hinge at your elbows to slowly lower the weight towards your forehead. Squeeze your triceps, extend your elbows, and push the weight back up towards the ceiling.
10 reps
Ab Roll-Outs
Ab work with a barbell?? You betcha! Kneel on your knees with your hands on the barbell. Roll the barbell away from you extending your arms overhead and lowering your torso towards the ground. DO NOT let your back arch. Use your abs, chest, and core to pull the barbell back to starting position.
3 sets of 15
Congratulations! You just shredded through Tone and Tighten’s “Rackless Barbell Workout”!
Now go tell all your friends about it! (See the gray box below for easy sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc)!
Looking for more great weights exercises? I created the “What I Worked Wednesday” series in response people asking what I usually do when I workout. Here are a few more of my favorites:
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand