I wanted to share with you a workout that is an amazing and effective way to workout without a gym or any equipment. So no more excuses- you don’t need an expensive gym membership to get a killer workout! Give this workout about 30 minutes and be ready to break a serious sweat!
15 Jump Planks
In plank position, move your feet out and back in, as if you are doing a jumping jack. Make sure that you keep your bum down and really focus on keeping your abs tight.
15 Supermans
Laying flat on your stomach, raise both arms and both legs off the ground at the same time. Make sure your thighs come up and you squeeze your glutes as much as you can.
15 Squats
With these squats, I want you to go as low as you possibly can. Pretend that there is a chair underneath your bum- get down to where you would sit on the chair and then come back up again. Remember to keep your chest up.
15 Mountain Climbers
Once again in plank position, bring each knee (one at a time) all the way up to your chest. Do this as fast as you can, almost like you are running and doing high knees at the same time. Make sure that you keep your bum down and your abs tight to get the most from this exercise.
15 Tricep Dips
Using a chair, a couch, or a stair, lower your bum as much as you can to get a maximum burn on your arms. Everyone wants to get rid of “arm jiggle”- this is a great exercise for that. To increase resistance, put your feet up on another chair and do your triceps dips that way.
15 Glute Bridges
Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your legs bent. Lift your hips up off the ground and press your heels down. Keep your abs strong and contracted throughout the entire exercise.
15 Tuck Jumps
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Leap into the air as high as you can, while lifting your knees to your chest and your feet to your bum.
15 Push Ups
If you don’t feel comfortable doing push-ups this way, feel free to drop down to your knees. The main thing I want you to focus on is having your chest *almost* touch the ground- don’t do this only halfway; go as low as you can!
Complete the entire workout 3 times in less than 30 minutes.
For more great workouts, be sure to check out my Workout Index!
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!
This is awesome advice Jared! Love your blog!
Thanks Court! You rock!
These will be great for working out while we travel this month.
Thanks Shannon! One of my biggest pushes is that you don’t need a gym membership, a lot of equipment, or even a lot of space to get a good workout in.
Safe travels this month, and happy holidays!