6 Ab Exercises That Work Better Than Sit-Ups – At Home Ab Workout
- Plank
- Bicycle Crunch
- Mountain Climber with Twist
- Russian Twist with Feet Elevated
- Thread the Needle Side Plank
- Windshield Wiper Butt Raise
Keep reading for a step-by-step guide with pictures, videos, and descriptions of each of these exercises.
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Sit ups are great exercise that tightens and strengthens the stomach muscles. It is important to remember that while sit ups are effective at working the ab muscles, they cannot “spot reduce” your stomach fat.
Sit ups are not a high-calorie burning exercise. If you are trying to get rid of excess stomach fat, remember you need to include some vigorous cardio activity in order to burn more calories and fat.
Sit ups will help you tighten up your abdominal muscles, but these muscles won’t be visible if you have excess stomach fat. More vigorous exercise will help you lose the extra stomach fat. And don’t forget- eating right will help you to keep the pounds off.
The Workout
One of my all-time favorite ab moves. Try to suck your belly button in towards your spine while in the plank to activate the deepest layer of abdominal muscle.
- Get into push up position and rest your elbows and forearms on the floor.
- Make sure your body forms a straight line from your head to toe.
- Hold the position.
Bicycle Crunch
Works all parts of your abs- bringing the elbows to the knees for the upper abs; bringing the knees to the elbows for the lower abs; and crossing midline (right elbow to left knee) for the obliques
- Start out on your back with your knees bent and heels a few inches in the air.
- Put your hands behind your head and start the exercise by bringing opposite elbow towards opposite knee. Bring your knee up as you twist your elbow across your body.
- Alternate sides and keep going in a rhythmic motion.
Mountain Climber with Twist
Different than a regular mountain climber as you’ll bring your knee to the opposite arm.
- Get down on your hands and feet in the high plank position.
- Bend your left knee and bring it across your body towards your right elbow.
- Bring your left leg back down to the floor and then repeat on opposite sides by bringing your right knee to the outside of your left elbow.
Russian Twist with Feet Elevated
I love Russian twists as a great oblique exercise; keeping your feet off the ground also kicks on the rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscle down the front of the abdomen).
- Sit on the floor and lean backwards slightly. Elevate your upper body to create a v-shape with your thighs, your back will be 45 degrees off the floor.
- Keep your knees bent and lift your feet off the floor a few inches.
- Twist your torso to the right side, then twist to the left side.
Thread the Needle Side Plank
Side planks are awesome for the lateral wall; adding the “needle thread” motion rolls the stress towards the front of the abdomen as well.
- Begin in a side plank and reach the top hand toward the ceiling
- Rotate your torso as you then bring the top hand underneath your body.
- Repeat the motion.
Windshield Wiper Butt Raise
Combining two of my all-time favorite ab moves.
- Lay on your back with your arms extended out to your side and your feet up towards the ceiling.
- Drop your feet all the way down to the left, then back up, then all the way down to the right, then back up (the “Windshield Wiper”).
- Now lift your butt up off of the floor and slowly lower it back down (the “Butt Raise”).
- That’s one, now repeat.
I am looking for making my butt smaller since i have stopped walking and running due to move to rural area can you send an email on that and abs not looking for the wash board look,just looking for waist training.Thanks Margaret
Hi Margaret! I’ve got you covered…
Butt workouts: https://tone-and-tighten.com/butt
Ab workouts: https://tone-and-tighten.com/abs
Hope that helps!
Hi, I’ve been recovering from some health concerns and have been limited to doing upper body and core only . Have any great routines , I am fresh out of ideas .
Hi Amber!
Here are some great options…
There’s about 40 different workouts on each one of those pages that you’ll have the options to choose from. Hope that helps!