Total Body Strength Training Workout for Beginners (with Weights)
- Deadlifts
- Military Curl and Press
- Lunges
- Bent Over Row
- Chest Press
Keep reading for the workout video plus step-by-step instructions of each of these exercises.
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I have received a couple questions from many of you asking about strength training, specifically where to start if you are a beginner and have never done any type of strength training or weight lifting.
This is a great workout for those who want to start strength training, plus you can do it in the comfort of your own home.
Strength training is a crucial part of any exercise plan and this is a great workout to get started. This is a great way to learn technique and weight lifting exercises. The video below explains each strength training move and how to do it.
I recommend starting with 2-3 pound dumbbells if you have NEVER picked up a weight before in your life.
If you have some experience and want to challenge yourself, try 5-8 pound dumbbells. For a more advanced workout, use 10-12 pound dumbbells (please only use these if you have experience with strength training).
Strength training doesn’t need to be intimidating for beginners. With just a few dumbbells you can build strength and target the major muscles in your body.
When you start a new strength training plan, remember to warm up, start out with light weights, and choose a few simple workouts that target different muscles.
When you start doing weight training workouts with no weight, or with low weight, you are developing a safe foundation to prevent injury. Make sure you focus on your form and master the technique before adding heavier weight.
Then, slowly start increasing the weight by a few pounds every week or when you feel comfortable and ready. Challenge yourself, but remember you have plenty of time to add weight and build strength. Do what is reasonable for you.
Want to get in shape, but don’t know where to start?
Check out my new 8 Week Beginners Workout Guide.
A complete at-home plan to help you reach your fitness goals. Click here for all the details.
If you are new to strength training, the goal is to lift weights two to three times per week.
You don’t have to join a gym, you can fit in effective strength-building workouts from the comfort of your own home. Invest in some basic equipment, learn proper form, and you’re ready to go.
Make a plan and try to challenge yourself. Do the best that you can, even if it means starting with one day a week or short work outs. When it comes to strength training, something is better than nothing.
Set small achievable goals for the future and log your reps and weight in order to compare and see your progress a few months from now.
Now on to the workout. Here is as great video that goes over 5 moves to help you in your goal to look and feel stronger. For a great beginner strength training workout, do each of these exercises 5 times (with 10-15 reps) and then repeat the whole thing until you’ve completed it 3 times.
The Workout
Repeat the entire circuit 3 times.
Deadlifts (10-15 reps)
Works your legs (especially hamstrings).
- Stand with your feet at hip-width distance apart and knees slightly bent.
- Grab some dumbbells and hold them at your sides, palms facing the back.
- Keep your core strong and hinge at your hips to lower your dumbbells along the front of the legs towards the knees. Pause when the torso is almost parallel to the floor.
- Slowly return to standing, keeping the dumbbells as close to your body as possible.
Military Curl and Press (10-15 reps)
Works arms and upper body.
- Stand straight and hold your dumbbells at your side with palms facing forward.
- Slowly curl the dumbbells up towards your chest.
- Next Rotate your palms to face out as you press up the weight over your head until your arms are straight.
- Slowly lower the dumbbells the same way.
Lunges (10 reps each side)
Works legs (especially quads).
- Start in a standing position with feet wide.
- Step forward on one leg and drop your weight straight down, keeping your knee just above the toe.
- Drop until your thigh is parallel to the ground and your opposite knee almost touches the floor.
- Come straight back up.
Bent Over Row (10-15 rep)
Works arms and back
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing you.
- Bend your knees slightly. Bend at the waist and fold your torso forward, keeping your back straight until it is just above parallel with the floor.
- Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells toward you until they almost touch your sides.
- Slowly straighten your arms and repeat.
- Remember to keep your head up, keep your back flat, butt tight, and stabilize while pulling with your arms.
Chest Press (10-15 reps)
Works chest and upper body
- Lie flat on your back on a bench of the floor. Keep your back and feet flat on the floor.
- Bring your arms out with elbows touching the floor, just below your shoulders.
- Hold the dumbbells above you and lift them straight up above your chest.
- Drop the elbows back down slowly, then repeat.
Looking for more beginner workouts?
Total Body Cardio Workout for Beginners
Beginner Kickboxing Workout
Zumba Workout
10 of The Best Gym Workouts for Beginners
Beginner Arm Circuit Workout with Weights
Be sure to follow Tone and Tighten on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for more workouts, recipes, and fitness tips.
Questions or comments? I love hearing from my readers. Leave a comment below or email me at ToneandTightenFitness{at}gmail.com
Make it happen,
By Jared Beckstrand
I have “crunchy” knees. I can’t think of any other way to describe them. I am 51 and am an on/off exerciser. However, I have been working out with weights (5lb) for the past 4 months along with run/walking on treadmill. I am looking for a complete body workout to help tone up as I lose 20 or so more pounds ( I’ve lost 25 so far). My knees don’t hurt and give me very little trouble but they do “crunch” when I walk up stairs, do lunges or squats. Should I continue these exercises since it doesn’t hurt or is the crunch a sign that I should do an alternative exercise? And if so, what is a good alternative to squats and lunges. Thank you so much.
Hi Cindy! Thanks for your question. Sorry about your “crunchy” knees! Sounds like there could be a couple of things going on… anything from plica and meniscus up through arthritis would all contribute to sounds and grinding in your knees. If it’s not painful, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. A bike would be a great way to get in a lot of no-impact reps – turn the resistance up high to get in a great workout!
As far as “healthy knee” posts – I’ve written about 3 that I think could really help you out:
Tips to keep your knees healthy: https://tone-and-tighten.com/2014/02/6-tips-to-keep-you-knees-healthy-tone-and-tighten-on-kutv-fresh-living.html
No impact leg workout: https://tone-and-tighten.com/2015/05/leg-workout-with-knee-pain.html
How to treat knee pain: https://tone-and-tighten.com/2014/03/feel-better-now-series-how-to-treat-knee-pain-free-download.html
Hope those help, Cindy, and thanks again for following Tone and Tighten!