Weekly highlights, new giveaways, and BONUS workouts!
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As we move into the end of April this week, things are really starting to heat up out there! The days are getting longer, the sun is getting warmer, and I can practically hear the beach calling my name! If you’re anything like me, you also want to feel a fair amount of pride when you do go to the beach. That’s exactly where this workout series comes in! Is your body “beach ready” for the season?
Welcome to week five of our six week “Beach Body Now” series! As we come into the homestretch we are going to take things to the next level with these workouts. In this series you get one day of amazing cardio to lose excess pounds and trim those areas that may need a little trimming. You also get one strength-training routine to firm and tighten those key areas that will surely get you noticed this year on the beach!
Below are two workouts – cardio (day one) and strength (day two). Alternate between days for three cycles – 6 workouts total.
Cardio (Day One)
Treadmill Interval (or Jogging outside – takes a little more discipline and guesswork but you can totally do it!)
Warm up (4.5 mph for 5 minutes)
Jog (5.5 mph for 1 minute)
Jog (5 mph for 2 minutes)
Jog (5.7 mph for 1 minute)
Jog (4.8 mph for 2 minutes)
Jog (5.5 mph for 1 minute)
Jog (5 mph for 2 minutes)
Jog (5.7 mph for 1 minute)
Jog (4.8 mph for 2 minutes)
Cool down 5 minutes
Strength (Day Two)
Jump Squats
10 reps
Bicycle Crunches
10 touches to each knee
10 reps
Side Plank Hip Lift
10 reps each side
Push Up
10 reps
Rear Plank
30-second hold
Repeat this whole circuit 3 times for your Beach Body Shred!
Looking for more “Beach Body Now”? In case you missed the first 4 weeks I’ve got your back right here:
As always questions and comments from my amazing readers are encouraged. Email me at [email protected]
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!