Rockin’ the core this week.
Hey everyone! And welcome to another week here on Tone and Tighten. Lately in my PT clinic I’ve been getting an increasing number of patients with complaints of back pain. It’s amazing to me how much of this pain can be mitigated and ultimately alleviated with the right core exercises. Which leads me to this week’s “Weekly Workout Plan”! We’re going to rock through 5 of my favorite workouts to build core strength. Note – this is different than straight ab work; we’ll also be hitting the obliques, back, and hips in addition to the abs. Hope you’re ready for it!! Here we go…
Perform each of the following workouts on one day this week. 5 workouts = 5 days of fitness + 2 days of your choosing to rest. You totally got this!!
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Let everyone in your network know what you’re going to be doing this week!
Share the “Weekly Workout Plan” on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc with the colored boxes below.
Interested in more great Weekly Workout Plans? Something for everyone from At-Home and Dumbbells to Quick and Cardio.
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand