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I hate to say it, but summer is slowly winding down.
Hey everyone! And welcome to the start of another week! I really hate to say it, but there’s not all that many weeks of summer left on the calendar! Seems like our days are filled with back-to-school shopping, checking class schedules, and packing as much fun as possible into the waning weeks of summer. That being said, I’ve decided we’re taking our workouts outside this week for our Weekly Workout Plan! Get 5 of my favorite outdoor exercises to help you stay fit and active outdoors in the remaining time that we can go outdoors! It’s a great way to workout, and you’ll be surprised at what amazing workouts you can come up with without even using any equipment! Ready? Here we go!
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
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Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to
Have a great day!