A Resistance Band Arm Workout you can do at home to tone and strengthen your arms. 8 of the best arm exercises with bands complete with video instruction. Let the gains begin.
Resistance Band Arm Workout
- Horizontal Rows
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Biceps Curls
- Military Press
- Forward Deltoid Raises
- Lateral Deltoid Raises
- Scap Pinches
Keep reading below for detailed instruction of how to perform each resistance band exercise.
Resistance bands are some of the most-effective pieces of equipment for any home gym.
They’re super light, super portable, and super versatile. In fact I am constantly giving out resistance bands to my physical therapy patients to strengthen muscles during their rehabilitation.
However, these bands certainly aren’t just for rehab!
Today on Tone and Tighten – I am sharing 6 of my favorite resistance band arm exercises to strengthen and tone your upper extremities.
We’ll be working your biceps, triceps, and shoulders in this workout but also include some back moves to stabilize and strengthen the scapula (vital in upper extremity motions).
You ready for this one? Grab your resistance bands and let’s get to it:
The first thing we’re going to need is some resistance bands! Like I mentioned – they’re genuinely some of the most valuable pieces I own in my home gym and I would highly recommend them to anyone. If you don’t have some already, follow this link to my favorites on Amazon (affiliate). Super versatile, super lightweight and portable, and they come in varying resistances so you’re sure to get exactly what you need.
I frequently get asked about resistance band exercises and workouts using bands. Here are some of the most-common questions I get and my answers to them:
Can you build muscle with resistance bands?
Absolutely! The key to building and toning muscle is to contract the muscle under a load (against resistance). Whether this load comes from overcoming gravity with free weights or overcoming tension with resistance bands, the muscle will contract the same. The result is muscle activation and hypertrophy resulting in increased muscle tone.
Can you lose weight with resistance bands?
Exercising with resistance bands will help increase muscle tone, and therefore metabolism, which results in more calories burnt throughout your day. The key to losing weight is to increase your heart rate and then sustain this higher rate for a longer period of time. While weight training does result in some increase in your heart rate, the fastest way to consistently burn a lot of calories comes from cardiovascular activity.
What are the benefits of resistance bands?
My favorite benefits of working out with resistance bands is their portability and versatility.
They’re super lightweight and relatively small, making them ideal for travel and home gyms.
You can also create different lines of force to really increase the variety of exercises available. For example – gravity always pushes straight down; to move a weight against gravity you’r somewhat limited in what you can do. But with resistance bands you can also create horizontal resistance angles as well as lines of force that actually pull up. The exercises available is significantly increased with resistance bands.
What exercises work out your arms?
In order to tone and sculpt your arms, the main muscles you should focus on include the deltoids, biceps, and triceps. The exercises that work your deltoids are front, lateral, and rear shoulder raises. Biceps are worked with bending your elbow and (to a lesser extent) raising your arm in front of you. Triceps are worked by extending your elbow out straight and (to a lesser extent) pulling your straight arm back behind you. The best arm workouts are going to incorporate exercises that will work all of these planes of movement.
I hope those help you.
Now let’s get on to the workout.
Total Upper Body Circuit Workout With Resistance Bands:
This is going to be a circuit-style workout. Alternate 10 reps of the first two exercises for three sets, then move on to the next two exercises – alternate three sets, and then move on to the last pair of exercises.
Click PLAY on the workout video below to follow along with this complete workout!
Resistance Band Rows
- Anchor around a banister or railing, in provided anchor (in doorway), or seated around your foot (feet out in front of you).
- Pull the handles into your chest while focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together in the back.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- 10 reps
Resistance Band Triceps Kickbacks
- Step on the middle of your band and bend forward at your hips (keep your back straight).
- Hold the resistance band handles and bend your elbows to 90 degrees (elbows should be behind your back).
- Take your elbows from bent to 90 degrees to straight back behind you, pulling on the band until your elbows are straight.
- Slowly return to the stating position.
- 10 reps
Repeat this circuit 3 times and move on to the next circuit
Resistance Band Biceps Curls
- Hold the handles in your hands and step on the middle of the band.
- Keep your core tight, your shoulders set back, and pull your hands up towards your shoulders.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- 10 reps
Resistance Band Military Press
- Hold both handles in your hand and step on your band (you can also sit on it if there’s too much resistance or the band isn’t long enough).
- Push both hands overhead and slowly return to starting position.
- 10 reps
Repeat the circuit 3 times and move on to the next circuit
Resistance Band Forward and Lateral Deltoid Raises
- Hold the handles in your hands and step on the middle of the band.
- Keep both arms straight and raise the handles in front of you up to shoulder level.
- Slowly return them to your sides.
- Now perform a lateral raise by lifting your arms straight out to the side.
- Slowly return to your sides.
- That counts as one rep.
- 10 reps
Resistance Band Bilateral External Rotation (Scapula Pinches)
- Stand gripping the band in both hands, elbows at 90 degrees with palms up. There should be approximately 12-18 inches of band between your hands.
- Keep your elbows at 90 degrees and tucked in closely to your sides as you rotate your hands away from each other squeezing your shoulder blades together
- You should feel this in the muscles in the back of your shoulder).
- 10 reps
Repeat the circuit 3 times and you did it!
And there you have it! A killer, six – exercise, band workout to sculpt amazing upper extremities!
Looking for more exercises you can do with your resistance bands?
Total Body Resistance Band Workout
The Best Resistance Band Workout For Your Legs
Make it happen,
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This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.
I need help! I am going to be 48 this year and I have been out of shape since early 2013. I have asthma and c.o.p.d. both of which never bothered me for years. Well, they caught up with me, causing me to be less active. Until a year and a half ago I was always thin and had a great metabolism and by thin I mean my average weight was 92 pounds. Now I’m at 125 and still gaining. I try to eat right I just don’t exercise. My body has changed so much and I feel ugly and I have decided that I don’t want to look like this anymore. My problem is not knowing where to start and my muscles just cramp up when I try to stretch out first…it hurts so bad I get reluctant to continue and I’m more susceptible to having an asthma attack now than I used to be. Any advice on where to start?
Hi Marla!
Thank you so much for your comment! I’m sorry to hear about your lung issues; I know that can be a difficult and slow process to recovery. But I’m stoked to hear you’re doing something about it! I hope I can help you out!
FYI 92 pounds is definitely not a healthy weight. I would actually prefer to see you at 125 with some healthy strength training to maintain good muscle tone.
I’ve got tons of workouts on T&T that are designed specifically for beginners. You can check them out here: https://tone-and-tighten.com/workout-index-2?Low-Impact-Workout
I would start with some of those, and if you are able to do them and like them you can pick up T&T’s 8-Week Beginner Workout Guide which includes workouts, recipes, and more: https://tone-and-tighten.com/2015/01/tone-and-tightens-8-week-workout-guide-for-beginners.html
Hope this helps, Marla! Thanks so much for following Tone and Tighten and let me know if I can help any more!
Hi Jared! I have a question: Can these exercises be done with a TheraBand, like the kind that are given to patients in physical therapy? I was born with a crooked leg, so trust me when I say that I have done my fair share of p.t. in my lifetime! Consequently, I have several TheraBands lying around my house, but unlike the resistance bands in your video, all of my TheraBands are a little less than four feet long. I’m a little nervous about tying the TheraBands together – those suckers can hurt when they let go! Is there a way to adapt these exercises to to work with what I have until I can buy a resistance band? Thanks!
Great question, Megan! If you have enough bands lying around of different sizes and resistances, and if you’re a little creative, you should be able to do all of these exercises with some theraband. Thanks and good luck!