Weekly highlights, new giveaways, and BONUS workouts!
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Hey everyone! And welcome to the start of another week here on Tone-and-Tighten.com!
Usually Mondays are the days that I like to post my “Weekly Workout Plans” – 5 or so workouts that you can do during the upcoming week to mix up your routine, get in some great workouts, and get a little closer to your health and fitness goals. Well – seeing how this is the last Monday of 2015, I thought it would be fin to do things a little differently. Your “Weekly Workout Plan” for this week is actually the top 10 most-viewed workouts on T&T from 2015! These are the workouts that most of you came to when you were looking for that perfect burner. Your assignment this week is to get through at least 5 of them – all 10 if you’re feeling up to an end-of-the-year challenge! Here we go…
Want to get in shape, but don’t know where to start?
Check out my new 8 Week Beginners Workout Guide!
A complete at-home plan to help you reach your fitness goals!
Click here for all the details.
Check out my new 8 Week Beginners Workout Guide!
A complete at-home plan to help you reach your fitness goals!
Click here for all the details.
Make it happen,