Presenting week 2 of our “Butt and Gut” series. To those of you who just completed week 1 – congratulations and keep going!! To those of you just finding out about this popular post, click here to find week 1. To all of you, regardless, hope you enjoy this workout series; try to get it in 3-4 times this week!! I can think of two body parts that will (eventually) thank me…
20 Wide Squats
15 Side Lunges (each leg)
20 Donkey Kicks (each leg)
30 Supine Marches on Swiss Ball (use your couch if you don’t have a ball)
Lay on your ball on your back with your hips lifted. March one knee and then the other, alternating until you’ve completed 30.
20 Side-lying Leg Raises (each leg)
15 Double Straight-Leg Raise
30 Second Plank
20 Seated Ab Crunch
10 Oblique Abdominal Reverse Curl (each side)
(Pictured is a straight reverse curl. The oblique curl is the same idea- rather than going straight back bring your right knee towards your left shoulder and then repeat on the other side for one repetition)
Want more Butt and Gut? Here are a few of my favorites:
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand