Need to train for a 5k? This accelerated 5k training program is designed to take you from a lighter runner to a 5k runner in just 3-weeks. This effective plan will bring great results. Any runner who wants to build their running endurance will benefit from this training program.
3-Week 5K Training Program
Keep reading below for a step-by-step guide.
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You’ve finally done it.
You had the goal for a long time now and you finally decided it was time to make this dream come true.
You just signed up for your first 5K race!
Amid the excitement and anticipation comes the realization that your race is only 3 weeks away and that it’s been a long time since you actually ran 3.1 miles.
Not to worry, I’ve got you covered.
Today I’m sharing with you an accelerated 3-week training program designed to take you from light running to 5K distance in time for your upcoming race.
So let’s get started.
As a physical therapist I see a number of runners in my clinic.
While their specific problems all might be a little different – from hips and back to feet and ankles (trust me – I see them all) – the underlying cause of their pain can usually be traced back to one source…
Usually as a result of over-training.
People try to push things too hard and too fast and oftentimes their body lets them know it. The result is often pain in the form of either tendinitis or fibrosis which can sideline a runner and stop them in their tracks.
That’s why I came up with this plan. This is as fast a 5K plan as I would ever recommend for anyone looking to run a 5K distance. The progression is slow and in control, but fast enough to get you to where you need to be.
Yes, you can train for a 5k in a few quick weeks. If you are planning to get into running, set a goal to motivate yourself- try signing up for a 5k. A 5k is a great distance for a beginner.
Keep reading, you can train for a 5k in just 3 weeks with this guide.
Also see my post on How To Get Run Ready for more tips to be ready for your big race.
A 10 minute mile pace is a good goal for beginners to run a 5k, which would be a race time of about 30 minutes for the whole 5k.
But don’t worry if you can’t run that fast, everyone’s fitness and ability differ so a good race time for a beginner is variable. Run at a pace where you feel comfortable.
It’s okay if you take a walking break too. If you walk the 5k at a brisk walking pace it will take about 45 minutes, which is still great because no matter your time, you will enjoy the benefits of being active. Walking/running a 5k is a great accomplishment.
If it’s your 1st or 15th race, you still need to make sure you are taking care of yourself before the run to be in your best condition.
On race day you’ll want to follow these important tips.
The night before: You’ll want to make sure you get some quality sleep the few nights before the race. If you find it helpful to run to music, prepare a running playlist that will help you run to a good rhythm. See Running Mix; 30 Songs To Run To
The morning of: Eat something about 1-2 hours before the race that is high in energy and easily digestible. Good options would be oatmeal with fruit, whole grain toast with peanut butter, or a smoothie with a bagel. Be sure to drink enough liquids to get hydrated.
Right before the 5k race: Get your muscles warmed up a few minutes before the race starts.
When the race begins: Start out slow, don’t go full speed at the beginning just because everyone else is. It’s okay to be in the back of the pack. Get into your rhythm, relax and have fun.
Check out my post on 10 Best Running Accessories Every Runner Should Have.
The design of this program is to take you from light running up through capable of running a 5K in 3 weeks.
Plan overview
- This workout plan consists of 4 running workouts per week.
- Each workout lasts 30 minutes and consists of alternating periods of progressive running and walking.
- The end goal is to gradually increase your running tolerance up to 30 minutes; assuming a 10-minute/mile pace you should be able to complete a 3-mile (5 kilometer) race in that time.
During this training period, it’s important to listen to your body. The design of this program is to take you from little running experience up to a 5K distance.
If you don’t run or have never run, you need a plan with a more gradual progression than what this one offers. If you do start to experience pain take some time off and give it adequate time to heal and recover.
Click the image below to open a free downloadable version of this plan.
Be sure to save it to your computer for future reference.
Printing it off and sticking it to your fridge is another great way to keep it in front of you.
You did it, great job- keep going with your running goals.
Interested in a workout plan to get into shape?
Try my 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan ebook.
Includes workouts, tips, and recipes to help you achieve your fitness goals. Check it out right here.
I would love to hear from you. Leave me a message below or shoot me an email at jared{at}
Make it happen,
Be sure to follow Tone and Tighten on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for more workouts, recipes, and fitness ideas.
I am training in the gym on a tread mill so how fast should I run and walk?
Hi Valerie! The premise of this program is that you’ll be able to run a solid 30 minutes without stopping. In order to cover the 5 kilometer distance you would need to run at least 6.2 mph. However, the most important thing is that you run SAFELY and within your physiological limits. Some people might take 35-40 minutes to complete a 5K and that’s just fine, too. Hope that helps!
I have exactly three weeks until race and I have not done any running in over a year. Nor have I ever ran A race. The last day of this plan is the day before the race. My question is how Do you recommend splitting up the four days in a week and is that last training day the day before the race OK to do? Or should I schedule this plan in a different way so that I am not doing the last work out the day before the race? Thank you so much!
Hi Kati,
Personally I would make the last day of this program race day. The last day of this program is running 30 minutes non-stop; or approximately 5K race. If you were to complete this program the day before your race you would, in essence, be running back-to-back 5K’s. I wouldn’t recommend that. Plan to take a rest day the day before (maybe go for a 20-30 minute walk) and then smash out the 5K run the next day. You can do it!
Thanks so much!!
You bet, Kati! Good luck!
Thank you for this Jared! Big help! 🙂
You bet, Flora! Hope you enjoy the program!
If I can already run a mile, with out difficulty, where should I start ?
Great Rebecca! 1 mile is approximately 1/3 of a 5k, so you’ve basically completed “Week One”. I would look at starting on “Week 2” and seeing how it goes!
When I am running during this workout should I run as hard as I can or at a sustainable pace ?
I would recommend a sustainable pace, Rokevia. Worry about finishing the race before you worry about shaving your time down. Good luck!
Hello Jared,
I am a beginning runner so my goal is to complete the 5k (not so focused on the time). I am excited to start your training program, it seems reasonable for a newbie like me. I have an additional question though, do you have any recommendations for meals or snacks I should be eating before/after a workout? Thank you!
Hi Hilda! I’ve totally got you covered!
What To Eat Before You Workout:
What To Eat After You Workout:
Hope those help and good luck with your training!
What days should i work out and which should I test? I don’t want to overuse anything! Thanks for your help. Excited to run my first 5K!
Hi Jaclyn! Good question. The answer is – whichever 4 days of the week work best for you! If I had my choice I would probably do Mon, Tue, Thur, Sat, but the important thing is that you stick with it! Good luck!
Hi Jared
I did my 1st 5k Park Run this morning. Walked and ran took me 40mins. I did not overstretch myself. What week should I begin with on your training.
Congrats on your Park Run, Breid! If you’re looking to start a 5K program and you’ve got the time to do it (9 weeks) this is actually the training program I prefer: It’s a little more comprehensive than the 3-week version and includes strengthening. You can start it immediately. Thanks!
This is a great program. Once I finish the 3 week, I’m going to complete your 9 week program. My goal is to run a very fast 5k!
This is great, Phyllis! If you’ve got the time I would recommend you start with the 9-week program; then no need to repeat them because you should be used to running for about 30 minutes, anyway. Good luck!