The best at home workout to eliminate bra bulge. This workout is designed specifically to get rid of back fat as well as tone and tighten your chest and back to give you lean, slender muscle in your chest, back, shoulders, and arms. All you need are some dumbbells and you can do this workout right at home.
At Home Workout For Bra Bulge and Back Fat
- Push Ups – great for the chest and arms
- Bent Over Rows – tones the back and rhomboids
- Triceps Dips – activates the triceps to shape the back of your arms
- Y, T, I – a favorite shoulder series to isolate the muscles directly on the back of your armpit
- Chest Flys – isolates and works the pecs to keep your chest nice and toned
- Dumbbell Reverse Flys – a great exercise for the muscles around your shoulder blades
Keep reading below for full pictures and descriptions of each one of these exercises
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You’ve got questions – I’ve got your answers! Some of my favorite blog posts that I’ve written are in direct response to readers asking for specific workouts to train specific areas.
Most of the time I’m pretty good with health and fitness lingo, but I’m not gonna lie – this one had me stumped!
“What is the best workout for bra bulge?” and “What are some good exercises to get rid of back fat?”
Bra bulge?! Back fat? Is that a thing?!
Not knowing what I would find with a Google search, I decided to ask my wife instead.
Apparently when there’s a little “excess” up around the armpit area that spills out the side of a woman’s bra strap, it’s referred to as bra fat. Conversely – on the back of the armpit if there’s a little “spill over” the top of the bra it’s referred to as “back fat”. I had no idea.
This can happen in the front or in the back and it sounds like a problem nobody wants to have.
Well that’s where I come in!!
Today I wanted to share with you my best at-home chest, arms, and back workout that’s designed specifically to tone and tighten the muscles in these areas and help everything “tuck in” nicely where it should be.
I’ll share 6 of the most effective exercises to isolate and strengthen your back, shoulders, chest, and arms in one amazing workout you can do with just a pair of dumbbells.
I think you guys are going to like this one! Here we go…
Different people carry weight differently. Back fat is defined simply as excess fat on and around the back. It’s typically seen around the shoulder blades and, in women, around the bra strap. Keep in mind – it’s impossible to gain weight in one specific area just like it’s impossible to lose weight in one specific area (spot treat).
The best exercises to target back fat are those that activate the muscles between your shoulder blades (rhomboids) and those that anchor to your shoulder blade to mover your arm (rotator cuff muscles, serratus anterior, lats). Increasing strength in these areas increases muscle tone to “tighten” these areas as well.
The best exercises to target bra fat are those that work the chest (pec major), front of the shoulder (anterior deltoids) and front of the arms (biceps).Increasing strength in these areas increases muscle tone to “tighten” these areas as well.
The exercises presented in the workout below are designed specifically to tone and strengthen the muscles key to decreasing the appearance of back fat and bra bulge. However, there are 2 principles that are crucial for you to keep in mind…
- It’s impossible to spot treat. You CANNOT lose fat in one area and one area only. Fat loss is a “body-wide” thing and performing exercises with hopes of toning one specific area is not the way to go.
- You can’t outwork a bad diet. The reason why you’re carrying excess weight around MOST OFTEN is not because you’re not exercising enough; it’s because you’re not eating the right things. The surest way to lose weight and decrease the appearance of stubborn fat is to eat a healthy diet and get regular cardiovascular activity.
That being said, the workout below is a collection of some of the best exercises you can do to target and strengthen the muscles in your back and around your shoulder blades as well as your chest. The goal is to increase strength to these muscles to essentially “tighten up” this area.
For this workout you’ll need some resistance. Heavier weights are recommended for the rows and flys (8-10 pounds for beginners) and lighter weights (2-3 pounds for beginners) are ideal for the Y, T, and I’s.
If you need some 8-10 pound dumbbells click here!
If you need some 2-3 pound dumbbells click here!
Otherwise get creative! Soup cans and sacks of flour/sugar also work well!
Warm up
Jumping Jacks OR Jump Rope
3 minutes
The Workout
Push Ups – 10 reps
- Get down in a tall plank position on your hands and toes (hands a little wider than shoulder width to kick on the chest a little more)
- Slowly lower your chest to the ground and press through your chest to return back up to the starting position.
- Can do modified (on knees) if you need to, just make sure you get all 10 reps!
Bent Over Rows – 10 reps
- Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands and lean forward at your waist (try to keep your back flat).
- Pull your elbows back behind your body (emphasis on squeezing your shoulder blades together) then slowly return to the starting position.
- Really focusing on squeezing with your back at the top of the row
Triceps Dips – 10 reps
- Place your hands on the edge of a chair or bench.
- Bend your elbows to lower your body down towards the ground and then press through your triceps to straighten your arms back out.
- Make sure to go through as much range of motion as you can and really try to squeeze the backs of your arms as you get to the top of the rep.
Y, T, I – 10 reps each
- Lay on the floor with your arms to your sides. Lift your arms up off the floor and behind you and then lower them back to the ground. This is the “I” or “A” position. 10 reps
- Lay on the floor with your arms straight out to both sides. Contract your back muscles to lift your arms up off the floor behind you and then lower them back to the ground. This is the “T” position. 10 reps
- Lay on the floor with your arms over your head. Contract your back muscles to lift your arms up off the floor and then lower them back to the ground. This is the “Y” position. 10 reps
Chest Flys – 10 reps
- Lay on your back on the floor with dumbbells in your hands (can also be performed on a bench or an aerobic step).
- Start with the dumbbells out wide than your body and squeeze your chest to bring them up towards the ceiling.
- Slowly return to the starting positon.
- Great exercise to work the entire chest/pec muscle group. The wider your arms the better!
- (Another great one that can be enhanced on a stability ball.)
Dumbbell Reverse Flys – 10 reps
- Sit on the edge of a chair or bench and lean all the way over.
- Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them under your legs (first image below).
- Pull with your back to raise both arms out to the side (the emphasis here is squeezing the muscles between your shoulder blades to initiate the reverse fly motion).
Repeat this whole series of exercises 3 times (4 if it’s feeling good!) and you’re on your way to eliminating “bra fat” from your life forever!
Looking for some more great exercises to tone and strengthen your back at home? Tone and Tighten has you covered!
Check out these popular back workouts from our YouTube channel:
Have any other “Problem Areas” that could us a little toning and tightening? I’ve totally got you covered!
Click the picture below to be taken to some of our popular “Problem Areas” posts here on Tone and Tighten:
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great workouts