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Combining the best in cardio and strength to take your results further than you ever imagined.
Hey everyone! Summer is here and in full swing. I love summer – the days are long and hot, the pools are open, and there’s an abundance of activities always going on. It’s also a great time to slim down and tone up (beach season, am I right?!) So today I am stoked to introduce you today to the newest workout program here on Tone and Tighten … get into the best shape of your life this summer with our new 8-week “Summer Slim Down”! Starting today we’ll be bringing you new workouts every week to help you to look and feel amazing this season. You’ll get one strength routine and one cardio routine in each workout to help sculpt, firm, tone, and tighten those areas to get you to the beach and feel great about doing it. So “dive in” over the next 8 weeks as we slim down and tone up this summer!
Get outside and run (really run – not just jog; park, backyard, sidewalk, etc) 200 feet (about 30 yards down and 30 yards back)
Feeling good? GREAT! Now repeat this series of 4 exercises 4 more times (5 total) or if you’re feeling aggressive – 9 more times (10 times total)
Looking for more awesome workouts like these? You might be into our 8-week Beginner Workout and Advanced Workout programs! These ebooks contain over 50 workouts each, delicious healthy recipes, and everything you need to Tone and Tighten! (Click the pics below to learn more about the books)
Hi Jared, I wanted to thank you for all of your great workouts with no weights. I recently had 4 major surgeries this past fall, winter and spring.The last one was a hernia repair. I was told “No Heavy Lifting” so your workout programs fit me perfectly. Thanks again, you inspire me and many others like me.
Hi Esther!
Sorry to hear about your surgeries; but I’m stoked to hear about how nicely you’re recovering! That’s wonderful! Thank you for your kind words – I’m excited that these workouts are a “perfect fit”!! Keep up the great work, and thank you for following T&T!!