Dumbbells are not just for biceps curls, this total body workout will teach you some beginning dumbbell technique. This step by step how to guide walks you through a dumbbell workout. These exercises will challenge your muscles and tone and tighten your biceps, legs, shoulders, triceps, and abs. You can even do this workout at home.
Beginner’s Dumbbell Workout: Total-body Workout You Can Do at Home
- Thrusters
- Lunge with dumbbell curl
- Side lunge with lateral deltoid raise
- Plié squat with triceps extension
- High plank with march
Keep reading for a step by step guide with pictures and descriptions of each of these exercises
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I have found that oftentimes people would love to try weight training, they just don’t know where to start.
Today on Tone and Tighten I wanted to share one of my favorite total-body workouts that you can do at home with just a pair of dumbbells.
Want to start feeling more comfortable in the gym? We’ve all been a beginner at some point. Don’t let it keep you from hitting the gym and getting a good workout.
This is a great place to start. I am actually a huge fan of combining resisted exercises. Why spend time working out just one body area when you can get twice the burn in the same amount of time?
Keep reading below to find five of my favorite combination exercises that are designed to sculpt and tone your entire body.
Hope you like this one.
A lot of people don’t realize it, but there are actually numerous health benefits to working out with weights besides increased muscle strength. From improved cardiovascular health and increased energy, to better self-image and confidence, if you haven’t tried weight training before you should totally get on board.
You can build muscles faster from resistance training with dumbbells. Dumbbells allow full range of motion exercises to build greater strength, challenging your muscles in a way that equipment cannot.
Dumbbells are versatile and can give you a complete workout, not to mention they are affordable, effective at building and toning muscle, and easy to use anywhere especially if you have limited space and home equipment.
Dumbbells are a worthy investment. Here’s a great set of beginning dumbbells.
If you’re planning to become more serious, this is a great set to invest in.
There are hundreds of exercises using dumbbells. You can work your legs with lunges and calf raises, your shoulders with upright rows, and your core with side bends.
Keep reading below, this workout will teach you some fundamental moves to help you learn the basic techniques of starting with dumbbells.
Typically you should start with anywhere from 2 to 15 pounds, depending on the exercise. If you are consistent for a few weeks then you can gradually progress and increase the weight.
When starting a new exercise it’s always a good idea to start light and focus on technique and proper form before adding weight.
Dumbbells are perfect for anyone interested in strength training but might feel intimidated to know where to start. Dumbbell training is also good for just about anyone- those who are older, more advanced lifters, and individuals who want to have a good at-home workout.
It can depend on the type of exercises and how often you are working out. Two times per week is a good place to start, making sure you are targeting different muscles. Then you can slowly increase.
Here are some other workouts to include in your routine:
Click here for 10 of the Best Dumbbell Workouts at Home
Click here for At Home Total Body Superset Dumbbell Workout
Now here’s the best beginner dumbbell workout. This total-body workout targets the biceps, legs, shoulders, triceps, and abs. Do each of these 5 workouts and then repeat 3 times.
The Workout
- Stand with legs slightly wider than hip distance, elbows bent, holding weights at shoulder height
- Bend your knees and squat down low
- Press the dumbbells up overhead as you straighten your knees and come up to standing
- Hold the dumbbells at your sides
- Lunge forward on to your right leg while performing a biceps curl with both arms.
- Return to the starting position and then repeat with your left leg.
- Perform a side lunge by taking a big step sideways onto your right leg and bending your knee.
- Raise your arms out to the sides as in performing a lateral deltoid raise.
- Come to an upright position and then repeat on your left side.
Plié squat with triceps extension (10 reps)
- Start in standing with your feet spread wide and your toes pointed out
- Hold your dumbbells over your head
- Slowly bend your elbows to 90° (the weights are now behind your head) and drop down into a plié squat
- Return from the plié position and press the dumbbells overhead.
High plank with march (10 marches each leg)
- Get into a high plank position – on your hands and toes (as in preparing to perform a push up)
- Keep your back flat and your abs tight and alternate lifting your feet off the ground as if “marching” them up towards the ceiling.
Repeat this series of exercises 3 times total for a quick, at-home, total-body burner!
Interested in More?
Feel like you got the hang of it? Looking for more amazing at-home workouts just like this one? Tone and Tighten has you covered.
Try these other popular workouts with dumbbells:
30 Minute Dumbbell Leg Workout
The Best Arm Toning Workout with Dumbbells
Dumbbell Back Workout- Best Dumbbell Exercises for Your Back
10 of the Best Dumbbell Exercises to Tone Your Arms
Our 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan features over 50 workouts, 15 healthy and delicious recipes, tips, motivation and more to help you achieve your fitness goals! Check it out here!