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Hey everyone! And welcome to another week here on! If your gym has looked anything like mine since the start of the new year, it’s pretty dang crowded in there. This can slow down your workout and even prevent you from performing some of the exercises you had in mind for yourself. T&T to the rescue! Rather than get frustrated and give up on working out for the rest of the month, I wanted to share with you 10 of my favorite workouts you can do to get your heart rate up and get a great muscle pump going all from the comfort of your own living room! It’s our “The Gym Is Too Crowded” Weekly Workout Plan, and it’s coming at you right now…
Our Weekly Workout Plans feature just a few of the hundreds of workouts on Tone and Tighten
Click here to see them all!
Alright – here we go! I’ll bet it’s pretty safe to say that for most of you when you head to the gym you do some form of cardio, strength training, or both. That being said – this week’s workout plan consists of 5 great at-home cardio workouts and 5 killer strength training sessions! Do all the cardio this week. Or do all the strength this week. Or do a combination of both. Or do all of them. The only thing I’m really worried about is that you do it! Let the good times roll…
Our 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan features over 50 workouts, 15 healthy and delicious recipes, tips, motivation and more to help you achieve your fitness goals! Check it out here!