“So Jared – what did you work this week?”
A question I have actually been getting a lot of lately!! While I do spend a lot of my time working out at home and doing many of the workouts found here on T&T, there’s nothing like getting into the gym and lifting! Sometimes, you’ve just gotta pick up something heavy and throw it around! That being said, “What I Worked Wednesday” is designed to give you some ideas of some of my personal favorite gym days! Hopefully these workouts spark your creativity and instill in you a desire to try something new. Or at the very least give you some ideas for the next time you head into the gym! With no further ado, last week included one of my favorite days – ARM DAY! Get your tickets – the gun show is about to start!!
Caveat to Jared’s gym workouts – I have two primary goals when I hit the gym:
1. Get big
2. Do it quickly
That being said, my sets/reps are a little different then what I usually post here on T&T. Many of the workouts on this site are designed to Tone and Tighten – slim you down and carve out lean muscle. Usually they consist of 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. My workouts are usually geared towards higher weight and lower reps to increase muscle mass (check out this post for more info on the tone vs bulk idea). However, if you’re not too into the bulk thing and more after lean mass simply change the sets/reps that I have listed into 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps and keep your weight consistent throughout the sets.
Also, I ALWAYS superset arm day – this means that when I finish one exercise for biceps I move on immediately to another exercise for triceps. After completing this set I’ll move back to the first or even throw a third exercise into the mix. The idea here is to not sit around a wait 60-120 seconds between sets, but to lift area “B” while area “A” is taking a rest. For each of the 6 exercises listed below you’ll do 1 and 2 together, 3 and 4, and 5 and 6. For more information on supersetting check this post out.
Finally – every exercise machine you encounter is going to be a little different. I’ve listed the weight that I use on our specific machines as a reference point, but find the resistance that’s right for you!
Warm Up
One of my favorite warm ups for arm day is the arm bike (UBE). If you look around enough most gyms have one of these bad boys. It’s a great way to warm up your arms, back, shoulders, and chest prior to some lifting!
Superset #1
EZ-bar standing biceps curls
A) 12 reps at 60#
B) 10 reps at 70#
C) 8 reps at 80#
D) 6 reps at 90#
E) 6 reps at 90#

A) 12 reps at 60#
B) 10 reps at 70#
C) 8 reps at 80#
D) 6 reps at 90#
E) 6 reps at 90#
Superset #2
A) 10 reps at 30#
B) 8 reps at 35#
C) 6 reps at 40#
D) 6 reps at 40#
A) 10 reps at bodyweight
B) 8 reps weighted at 25#
C) 6 reps weighted at 45#
D) 6 reps weighted at 70#
Superset #3
A) 10 reps at 25#
B) 8 reps at 30#
C) 6 reps at 35#
d) 6 reps at 40#
A) 10 reps at 50#
B) 8 reps at 60#
C) 6 reps at 70#
D) 6 reps at 70#
Congratulations! You totally crushed it!!
You know you’ve arrived when you find it difficult to scratch your shoulders after the workout!
Wanna be my lifting buddy? Check out another popular post from our “What I Worked Wednesday” series”
Get connected
Email Jared at ToneandTightenFitness{at}gmail.com or leave a comment below
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand