Let’s face it- there’s a lot that goes into core strengthening (click here for Tone and Tighten’s core basics). Most people don’t understand that “abs” are only a very small part of what makes up a rock-hard core. From a physical therapist’s perspective I’ve put together this list of my top 10 favorite core moves and why they’re vital to your strength program (alright- honestly there’s 12 of them here… but who looks for a top 12 list?!). How many of them are you doing regularly?
Bridges: One of my favorite in the clinic for any patient with low back pain. Smash your glutes together and squeeze your back to lose that excess around the belt-line.
Bird dogs: A relatively simple idea that combines balance, stability, and strength. Great to isolate the smaller stabilizing muscle groups in the back for a healthy spine.

Have a great day!
I use some of these exercises, but I’ll add a few more. Thanks for the ideas. Stopping by from the Mom’s Mingle.
Thanks Gorganne!
As one who recommends most of these on an almost daily basis I can testify to the efficacy! Thanks for stopping by!