- Lap One – Warm up
- Lap Two – Sprints and shuffles
- Lap Three – Lunges with burpees on the corners
- Lap Four – Sprints and bear claws with sit ups on the corners
- Lap Five – Sprint and walk
- Lap Six – Carioca and backwards lunge walks with push ups on the corners
- Lap Seven – Bleacher snakes and triceps dips
- Lap Eight – Run/Jog
Keep reading for a step-by-step guide of this track workout with descriptions of these exercises for each lap around the track.
Eliminate guesswork and confusion and start seeing results.
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My wife came to me the other day and said that she and her sisters were headed down to the local high school track to workout one morning this week. “What have you got for us?” she asked with a smile. I was ashamed to think that I didn’t have anything here on Tone and Tighten for them… yet…
Today’s workout is for you, beautiful wife and dear sisters-in-law, and for all of you who are looking for an amazing total-body sprint/run/lift/resistance circuit workout.
Head down to your local track and let’s do this!
Want to know what I eat in 4 weeks to lose weight?
Here’s my 4 Week 1500 Calorie Healthy Meal Plan – breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
Each day is perfectly calculated to 1500 calories by a registered dietitian.
All recipes are family-friendly and budget-friendly – it makes weight loss taste good!
Do Circuits Build Muscle?
Yes, circuit training is a great way to fit in some resistance exercises to increase muscle mass or lose body fat. Circuit training is a great way to fit in an effective muscle-building workout in a short amount of time. Check out this workout below- you’ll get a full body workout.
How Long Does it Take to Get in Shape for Running?
You don’t need to be a runner to do this track workout – it includes intervals and strength circuits along with the running and jogging for a great total body workout. If you want to become more of a runner to be fit and get in shape, make a plan and run 2-3 days per week. Run longer distances, run sprints, run stairs and hills, and just run!
After 4-6 weeks you will notice a difference in your endurance, stamina, and speed. Within 4-6 months you should be in pretty good shape for running. Everyone is different and if you need longer than that to ease into a running routine, that’s okay too! The important thing is that you are getting some type of physical activity. Any exercise is better than none.
Try out this track circuit workout to get started. This will boost your jogging routine by adding some strength circuits.
Important note before we get started: I’ll be referring to “straights“, “turns“, and “corners” throughout this workout. A standard track is composed of two straights of 100 meters and two turns of 100 meters (one lap around a track is 400 meters or ~1/4 mile). Where the straights meet the turns, I refer to that as the “corner” (even though it’s round).
Four times around the track = 1 mile, but why just run?
Who wants to add strength training and sprinting intervals? (I heard a resounding “I DO” from all of you over the internet – I thought you might be excited!).
Alright here we go…
This workout is 8 laps long, which is 2 miles. But you won’t be running the whole thing at once, you’ll stop a few times each lap to do different exercises to get a great workout.
The Workout
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By Jared Beckstrand