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If you’re anything like me – you’re crazy excited for Thanksgiving coming up this week! If you also think like I do, you’re up for great preemptive attack on the extra calories you may consume! It is with this in mind that my workout today is an at-home burner designed specifically to melt calories while flattening your stomach. Get ready to rock with this cardio abs workout!
We are going to be using quite a few different combinations of some of my favorite plyometric core exercises with this one. Because the moves are pretty intense, we will treat it like a Tabata HIIT workout. That means there will be 20-second work phase where you go at the exercise as hard as you can followed by a 10 second rest phase. Let’s do this!
The workout
Marching in place, jump rope, jumping jacks, and running up and down the stairs a few times are all great ways to get the blood flowing.
3 minutes
1. Tuck jumps and high knees
Perform five tuck jumps followed immediately by 10 high knees (five touches to each side). Repeat as many times as possible in 20 seconds
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off – repeated 6 times
2. Double legged mountain climbers
Get down in a high plank position on your hands and toes. Perform a double legged mountain climber by leaping both feet up toward your hands (bending both knees up towards your chest), landing, and then leaping both feet back to the starting position again. Perform as many times as possible in 20 seconds
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off – repeated six times
3. Standing oblique crunches
Start in a standing position with your arms elevated. Lift your left knee up and out to the side while performing a side crunch motion to bring your left elbow down towards your left knee. Really try to focus on squeezing the muscles in the sides of your stomach.
Perform five standing crunches to the left followed by five standing crunches to the right and repeat as many times as possible in the 20-second work phase.
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off – repeated six times
4. Plank jacks
Get down in a low plank position (elbows and toes). “Jump” your feet off the ground and spread your legs as in performing a jumping jack. Now “jump” your feet back together. That is one rep.
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off – repeated six times
5. Russian twists
So far we have done a lot of straight plane exercises; we will finish things off with some rotation! Sit on the floor and get into a reclined position. Raise your feet up about 6 inches off of the floor. Rotate your shoulders as far as you can to the left and then quickly as far as you can all the way to the right. Repeat this rotating motion in a reclined position for the duration of the 20 seconds.
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off – repeated six times
And there you have it! A killer ab circuit with a cardio HIIT emphasis!
Our 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan features over 50 workouts, 15 healthy and delicious recipes, tips, motivation and more to help you achieve your fitness goals! Check it out here!

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