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Arm day is one of my favorites. There’s nothing better than the feeling you get right after an amazing workout when you know you’ve worked you muscles over. It’s the feeling of transformation; it’s the feeling of taking what was and turning it into something greater. Today on Tone and Tighten, I wanted to share with you one of my personal favorite at-home arm workouts to help take your arms to the next level. Grab your dumbbells and here we go! Now it’s important to note that it’s actually impossible to “spot treat” an area. All too-often I have people write in saying they just want a “flatter stomach” or “more definition in [their] arms”. My recommendation is always to supplement your workouts with a healthy diet and active lifestyle (you can’t workout for 30 minutes in the morning, sit around the rest of the day, and then wonder why you’re not seeing results). But if you’re looking for a great arm workout that’s sure to add strength and definition to your upper extremities – you’re in the right place!
The Workout
Dumbbell Clean and Press (10- 15 reps)
Works the upper back and biceps through the pulling phase; the shoulders and triceps through the pushing phase. Just be sure to sit your butt down low and keep your chest up high!
Bent Over Dumbbell Row (10-15 reps on each arm)
Great exercise to add definition to the back and biceps.
Dumbbell Lateral Raise (10-15 reps)
Perfect for shaping the deltoid muscle at the top of your arm.
Triceps Push Ups (10-15 reps – can be modified on knees if necessary)
My favorite, no-equipment arm exercise. You can get a great triceps burn going with zero required equipment.
Concentration Curls (10-15 reps on each arm)
A great way to really focus on the biceps and stay true to your form without swaying/swinging. Use the inside of your leg to brace your elbow in place throughout the curl.
Run through this whole circuit 3 times total for a killer upper body workout with just a little space and a pair of dumbbells!
Our 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan features over 50 workouts, 15 healthy and delicious recipes, tips, motivation and more to help you achieve your fitness goals! Check it out here!