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Oftentimes people are under the misconception that in order to get in a killer ab workout they need to spend all their time on the floor doing some variation of sit ups. However, when thinking about the “functional movement” you go through throughout your day, how often are you really on the floor performing a “sit-up” motion? It’s actually more important (functionally) to keep your core strong through squatting, standing, and lifting. Today that’s exactly what I’m bringing you! This is going to be a killer core workout that you can do at home that doesn’t require a single situp! We’re going to be up on our feet for this one, and I promise it will be a shredder! Let’s do this!
We’re going to do a good ol’ AMRAP style workout on this one. Simply put – you’re going to set a timer for 20 minutes and get through “As Many Rounds As Possible” of the following standing core exercises. I recommend you do these exercises with a heavy dumbbell (10 pounds or more) or two light dumbbells (5 or so pounds), but don’t limit yourself! A bag of flour or a milk jug full of water can provide excellent resistance as well!
10 Overhead Squats
Keep your stomach tight and your back straight while holding the weight overhead and dropping into a squat. Keep your weight through your heels – you should be able to lift your toes up off the floor in the bottom of the squat.
10 Bow Extensions (each side)
Start with the weight in both hands, lifted overhead to your left side. Keep your stomach tight and your back straight as you lower the weight to your waist while bringing your right knee up to meet it. Tap the weight to the top of your leg and slowly return to the starting position.
10 Straight-Leg Dead Lifts
Hold the weight in your hands in front of you. Keep your butt tight and your back straight as you hinge at the hips (don’t fold at your spine) down until your torso is parallel with the ground. Use your butt muscles to pull you back upright.
20 Standing Oblique Crunches (each side)
Hold the weight in your left hand. Place your right hand behind your head. Bend your trunk to the left, sliding the weight down towards your knee as far as it will go (your right elbow should be pointing up at the ceiling). Use the muscles on the right side of your torso (obliques) to pull yourself back up to a standing position.
10 Dumbbell Reverse Wood Chops (each side)
Start in a squat position holding the weight at your right hip with both hands. As you come upright out of the squat, use your arms to lift the weight above your head and to the left side. Slowly return to the starting position. Keep your stomach tight and your back straight throughout the lift.
Repeat this series of 5 exercises as many times as you can until that timer goes off in 20 minutes!
You should be able to get through 3 rounds for Beginner/Intermediate
4 Rounds for Advanced
5 or more rounds – come contact me and I’ll have you start writing for T&T!!
Our 8-Week Beginner’s Workout Plan features over 50 workouts, 15 healthy and delicious recipes, tips, motivation and more to help you achieve your fitness goals! Check it out here!