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Grab your dumbbells – let’s go to work!
I love free weights. They’re small, they’re heavy, and there’s a TON of different exercises you can do with them to tone and tighten your entire body! Today I wanted to share 10 of the very best dumbbell exercises to add strength and definition to your upper extremities. Depending on how strong you are you’ll need anywhere from about 5-20 pound dumbbells for this one. Enjoy!
The first thing we’re going to need for this dumbbell workout is … well … dumbbells! If you don’t have any follow this link to see my recommendation!
1. Lunge with Biceps Curl
Double bang for your buck as you add the lunge to your standard biceps curl. Shoot for about 8-10 lunges on each leg (16-20 curls per set)
3 sets of 8-10 per leg
2. Overhead Triceps Extension
Keep your core tight (stomach sucked in) while lifting one or two dumbbells over your head. Try to keep your elbows pointed straight up at the ceiling.
3 sets of 10
3. Upright Rows
Standing with your core tight, pull the dumbbells up to your chest level and then slowly return them to the starting position. Great exercise to sculpt your shoulders and upper back.
3 sets of 10
4. Bent Over Row
Bend forward ~45 degrees at your hips (try to keep your back straight!). Pull through your back to bring your elbows behind you – pull the weight right in to your chest.
3 sets of 10
5. Triceps Kickbacks
Leaning over a bench / couch / bed – bend your elbow to a 90 degree angle (parallel to your torso). Keep your elbow still as you pull the weight up towards the ceiling (straightening your arm against gravity). Slowly return to the starting position.
3 sets of 10 each arm
6. Arnold Press
A little bit different variation on your standard military press. Start with your arms in front of you, elbows bent to 90 degrees, holding dumbbells with your palms facing you. Pull your elbow out to the side and perform a military press. Slowly return to starting position.
3 sets of 10
7. Chest Flies
Start laying on your back with your arms out to the side. Use your chest to pull the weights up towards the ceiling until the dumbbells touch. Slowly return to the starting position.
3 sets of 10
8. Skull Crushers
Lay on your back holding your dumbbells with your arms straight up towards the ceiling. Keep your elbows pointed straight towards the ceiling and slowly bend your arms to 90 degrees (the weight coming right down to your forehead or just outside either side of your head).
3 sets of 10
9. Standing Reverse Flies
Stand and lean forward at your hips to a 45 degree angle (keep your back straight). Pull through your back muscles to bring your straight arms up towards the ceiling and out to the side.
3 sets of 10
10. Sumo Squat with Biceps Curl
Why just curl when you can squat, too? Get your feet out wide and turn them out as far as you can. Try to keep your knees over your toes as you come down into a squat while performing a biceps curl. Return the weights to the starting position as you come up out of your squat.
3 sets of 10
Looking for great upper body workouts? Tone and Tighten has you covered! Here are three of my favorites or click here to see them all!
Amazing Shoulder Workout With Weights
Make it happen,
By Jared Beckstrand