I’m a huge fan of WOD’s. In the CrossFit world it stands for “Workout Of The Day” but whenever I see it I know I’m going to get a killer blitz of an exercise. They’re usually perfect for those days when you don’t have a lot of time and want to maximize your workout as much as possible. Today’s workout is one of my favorite WOD’s that will get your heart racing and the calories melting. Ready… go!!
30 seconds Sit-Ups
30 seconds Push-Ups
30 seconds Squats
30 seconds Jumping Jacks
Rest for one minute
Repeat 5 times!!
Looking for more great at-home workouts? Try these bad boys on for size!
As always, your questions/comments/suggestions are more than welcome. Please contact me anytime at toneandtightenfitness{at}gmail.com
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand