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What’s an EMOM, anyway?!
EMOM is an acronym in used in the workout world for “Every Minute On The Minute” (I know – shouldn’t that be EMOTM? It just doesn’t roll off the tongue the same!) If you’ve never done and EMOM workout you have to try it! It’s a great way to get in a ton of reps in a short amount of time while constantly pushing yourself to be better. The real beauty of an EMOM comes in the last 2-3 minutes when you’re dead tired but still have to do the same # of reps as you did in the first minute. Sounds simple, right? Tell me what you think after the workout…
Set a timer for 10 minutes. Every minute on the minute perform the following:
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Air Squats
This is one to brag about! Share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc using the gray box found below.
Questions or comments about this workout? Email Jared at [email protected].
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
Hello Jared. Thank you so much for this website. I enjoy the convenience of reading the tips and various exercises that I can do at home.
Thanks so much, Shirley! What a kind comment! I’m glad you appreciate the content that I share.