Think you need a lot of equipment for a killer workout?
So there I was in the gym the other day – I was looking for some 40 pound dumbbells – and could only find one (ever been there before?!). I remember thinking to myself – “Who only uses one 40-pound dumbbell?!” But then that got me to really thinking – “what kind of workout could I do using only one dumbbell?” Come to find out – I could put together a pretty amazing routine with just this one simple piece of equipment! Of course I couldn’t wait to share it with all of you! With no further ado, I give you Tone and Tighten’s “One Dumbbell Workout”!!
I guess first thing’s first… we need a dumbbell!! Here are my personal favorites – I have a set like these in my home gym and love them! You can adjust this set from 5-52 pounds per dumbbell (you can get up to 100# per dumbbell). Tons of weight, affordable, durable, easily adjustable, and don’t take up a lot of room. CHECK THEM OUT HERE

The Workout
Goblet Squats
Hold the dumbbell in both hands at chest level. Your palms are on the plates and facing towards the ceiling. Keep your core tight and drop your butt towards the floor in a squat. Use your quads and butt to push yourself back upright.
3 sets of 10
Dumbbell Pullovers
Lay on your back on a bench. Holding the plates of the dumbbell extend it over your head and down towards the floor. Use your chest and triceps to pull the weight up towards the ceiling. Slowly return to starting position.
3 sets of 10
One Arm Dumbbell Snatch

Start holding the dumbbell on the ground between your legs. Your butt is down and your back is straight. In one motion, while raising up out of the squat pull with your upper body to hoist the weight overhead. The finish position is you standing upright with the weight overhead and arm locked out straight. As controlled as possible return to the starting position with the weight on the ground.
3 sets of 10 each arm
Dumbbell Lunge and Press

Hold the weight in your left hand at shoulder level. While dropping into a lunge with the right leg push the weight up over your head. Return to the starting position.
3 sets of 10 on each leg
Russian Twists

While sitting on the floor, hold the weight at chest level and lean back as far as you can. Rotate your torso to the left to touch the weight to the ground and then rotate to the right to touch the ground on that side. Continue rotating touching the weight to each side.
3 sets of 10 touches to each side
Dumbbell Sit Ups

Just like normal sit ups, but holding the dumbbell up towards the ceiling with your arms extended.
3 sets of 10
Well done!! You totally nailed it!!
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Looking for more awesome dumbbell workouts? Here are a few of my favorites:
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand