Tired performing hundreds of situps and crunches without seeing significant results? Looking for the most effective way to take your abdominal definition to the next level? You definitely came to the right place! You will simply never find more challenging yet effective abdominal exercises than these ones listed below. Hanging exercises work your abdominal muscles harder than practically any other exercise you can perform. Need a better understanding of what I mean? Try out the following ab routine at the end of your next workout. Trust me – you’ll be glad you did!

The Workout
Marches (single leg raise) – a great place to start. Slowly raise one knee up towards the ceiling. Slowly return it to the starting position while simultaneously raising the other knee up towards the ceiling. 10 reps on each leg

Toes to bar (T2B): now things get crazy! While hanging from the bar bend at your hips as if performing

By Jared Beckstrand