Hey everyone, and welcome to yet another week here on Tone-and-Tighten.com!! For many here in Utah this marks the first week of a brand new school year! I’ve actually received quite a few emails from college students asking for some workout advice and how they can fit exercise into an otherwise busy schedule of classes, studying, working, and (most importantly) socializing! Well fear no more, my poor-and-starving-yet-intelligent-and-longing-for-fitness friends! I’ve got you covered! This week’s Weekly Workout Plan is all about a week of dorm-room exercise! Small space? No problem! No equipment? No big deal! All you need is a little time, a little conviction, and a huge desire to beat any college weight gain. We totally got this! Get your workout on… then get to class!!
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
And may all your class periods be short and your midterms a breeze!
If you liked these workouts this week let your fellow classmen know about it!
Want to eat healthy this semester but are strapped for cash? Check out our huge healthy recipe hit – 25 Healthy Recipes On A Budget
My favorite posts come from readers’ ideas. If you’ve got a comment or a question leave it below or email me at ToneandTightenFitness{at}gmail.com
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand