Here a squat – there a squat. How many variations do you know on the squat?
Squats are one of the best total-body exercises out there. It’s hard to find a better exercise that strengthens your entire legs, hips, butt, back and core. A lot of the leg workouts here on T&T feature squats of some sort for this very reason. But are there different ways to squat? And why? The answer is “YES” and “try it – then you’ll know why.” Switching positions of your legs and hips and working them all at different speeds will work muscles you didn’t know you had and carve definition where you never though possible. That’s why today I’m sharing 5 variations on bodyweight squats that NEED to be in your regular routine! Here we go…
Goblet Squats
Work the arms, shoulders, and core by holding a weight in front of you while squatting. Legs are a little wider with the toes turned slightly out. 3 sets of 10-12
80/20 Squats (progress towards Single Leg / Pistol Squats as you can)
I love pistol squats, but not everyone can do them. Start with 80/20 squats – stand on your right leg with your left heel off the ground. Maintain this type of weightbearing while going down into a squat (essentially shifts ~80% of your weight onto one leg). 3 sets of 10 on each leg
Squat Jumps
Instead of just raising back up to neutral after a squat, explode up into the air. Works the fast-twitch muscle fibers for serious muscle definition. 3 sets of 10
Squat with Heel Raise
Hello buttocks! Legs are out wider with the toes turned out. Get down into a squat position. At the bottom of the squat lift both heels off the floor into a heel raise. Put your heels back on the ground and then come up from the squat. That’s one. 3 sets of 10-12
Squat and Hold
A little progression on a wall sit. Get down into the bottom of the squat and hold it there. 10-20 seconds is a good number of seconds to shoot for. 3 sets of 5 (holding each for 10-20 seconds)
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Looking for leg workouts? I’ve got a few! Check ’em out…
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Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand