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Why do they even call them “Love Handles” anyway? Who really loves the excess above your waist on your sides?? Today I’ve got your cure – we’re coming at you today with a quick 15- minute workout geared towards melting the fat around your middle and carving out some amazing definition in this area! Love handles be gone in 3…2…1…
For this workout we’re going to include some cardio intervals to burn calories and shred some fat. We’ll combine that with specific oblique strengthening exercises to tone the muscles around your middle and shrink down love handles forever.
The Warmup
Jog around the block, run up and down your stairs 10 times, or try out this quick 3-minute warm-up.
Anything to get the blood flowing and the muscles warmed up!
Anything to get the blood flowing and the muscles warmed up!
The Workout
1. Jumping Jacks – 60 seconds

2. Cross Knees To Elbow – 30 seconds each side

3. Side Plank – 30 seconds each side 

4. Mountain Climber With A Twist – 60 seconds
(knee to opposite elbow)

(knee to opposite elbow)

5. Side Plank Hip Lift – 30 seconds each side

6. Sidelying Double Leg Raises – 30 seconds each side

7. Tuck Jumps – 60 seconds

8. Rest – 60 seconds

Repeat this series twice for a killer 15-minute workout; 3 times if you’ve got a little more time (about 25 minutes)!
Ready to take your results to another level? Stop dreaming about it and let’s make it happen!
Introducing our 8-week Beginner Workout and Advanced Workout programs! These ebooks contain over 50 workouts each, delicious healthy recipes, and everything you need to Tone and Tighten! (Click the pics below to be taken to more info about the books)
Question or comment for Jared? I would love to hear from you!
Leave me a comment below or email me at ToneandTightenFitness{at}
Leave me a comment below or email me at ToneandTightenFitness{at}
Make it happen,