Introducing the newest workout in the “12 Days of Fitness” series; Day 4 – dedicated completely to the ticker. We’re getting our at-home cardio on as we trim down and tone up this holiday season. Too cold outside to go run? I’ve got you covered.
Perform one minute each of the following exercises consecutively followed by a two minute rest. Then repeat the whole thing again; each exercise for one minute. If you’re feeling up to it, repeat the series one more time (one minute each) after a two-minute rest. Who says you can’t do cardio at home?!
We’ll warm this one up with a one-minute march in place… just to get the blood flowing.
Jumping Jacks
High Knees
Mountain Climber
Squat jumps
Jumping Oblique twist
(sorry- no good pics! Start as pictured – shoulders forward and hips/knees facing to the left. Jump in the air, keep your shoulders forward and rotate your lower body 180 degrees. Your hips and knees should be facing right when you land.
(sorry- no good pics! Start as pictured – shoulders forward and hips/knees facing to the left. Jump in the air, keep your shoulders forward and rotate your lower body 180 degrees. Your hips and knees should be facing right when you land.
Lunge walks
Alternating toe touches
Box/stair jumps
Thanks so much for your amazing response so far to the “12 Days of Fitness” series! If you’ve missed any of the other workouts you can find them below…
Questions? Comments? Ideas? I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment below or email me at [email protected]
Make it happen,

To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to
Have a great day!