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Who’s up for a new arm workout?! If you’ve followed T&T for any amount of time, you realize that the majority of my workout posts are designed for people who may not have a lot of time to workout and can be done in your own home. Today is certainly no different! I’m stoked to share 5 of my favorite arm moves you may not have ever known about. All you need is about 15 minutes to get in a killer arm day. Try it out; I promise you’ll be pleased… and a little sore tomorrow…
Medicine Ball Push-Up
I have a soccer ball that works great; a big stack of books can also serve to make things just uneven enough
10 reps
Surprisingly difficult if done at the right intensity. Throw alternating punches to work everything from the shoulder down
60 seconds
Triceps Pullover
Can be done laying on the floor with anything big and heavy; free weights and medicine balls work the best, but don’t sell out backpacks filled with books! Get creative to make it work!
20 reps

Get up plank
Killer for the core and arms. From a resting position launch up into a side plank and extend your arm to the ceiling. Hold 2-3 seconds and return. Again, if no weights are available get creative with it to find some resistance.
10-15 reps each side

Love to squat? Good. Love to military press? Excellent. Let’s combine them in a “Thruster”. Killer total body from your shoulders to your legs.
15 reps
I’ve got great news. You’re 1/3 of the way done!!
Launch through 2 more sets (3 total) and call your arms roasted for the day!!
Looking for more great arm workouts? I’ve got just what you’re looking for…
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand