Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
What better way to celebrate the day of love then with a good ol’ V-Day sweat-fest! Show yourself a little love today by sweating, grunting, straining, and pushing your way through this workout so that you can enjoy that extra piece of chocolate tonight! Whether it’s with someone you love, someone you would love to love, lovely friends, or even just lovely peace and quiet, may you enjoy a wonderful and safe Valentine’s Day!
Sticking with the Valentine’s Day theme, I’m going to call this my “2/14 Workout”. Two sets of 14 reps of each of the following (here’s the real clincher) 14 exercises! Remember, I’ve got nothing but love in my heart for each and everyone of you.
1. Burpees

2. Side planks
3. Squats
4. Box/Stair jumps
5. Push ups
6. Sit ups
7. Bridges
8. Biceps curls
9. Triceps dips

10. Side lunges
11. Tuck Jumps
12. Up-Down Plank
13. Seated Ab Crunch
14. Double straight-leg raise
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!
So if you can’t tell – I love holidays! Here are some more of my favorite holiday-themed workouts:
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!