I’m completely stoked for 2014! We’ve got some big plans for this year including new series, new workouts, new videos, new eBooks, and new recipes. I hope you’ll find Tone and Tighten a valuable tool in helping you to reach your fitness goals this year!!!
To kick things off on the right foot – today’s post is your first workout of the new year! What better way to welcome 2014 than with a workout dedicated to those numbers?! I’ve got 5 exercises here; you’ll do 4 sets of each one (20 sets total) with 14 reps per set. Is 280 reps too many for the first day of the new year? I didn’t think so either…
Perform 14 reps
Perform 14 reps
Sit Ups
Perform 14 reps
Perform 14 reps
Side Lunges
Perform 14 reps (each side)
And then repeat 4 times!!
20 sets total; 14 reps each set
HAPPY 2014!!!
What are some things you want to see on T&T in 2014? As always, I love to hear from our followers! Leave me a comment, message me on FaceBook, or email me at
Make it happen,

To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!
Love these no brainer workouts that I can do at home while I watch TV, so keep those coming. I’d love to see some exercises to do with cheap simple home equipment. I have an exercise ball and some bands that I’m not sure what to do with. I think I’m going to attempt a 5K this year (I haven’t run one in almost 20 years, eek!) so maybe some running advice. Also dinner recipes that the whole family might like, I feel like I am cooking one thing for me and one thing for the rest of the family. I also love, love, love, seeing before and afters. So amybe a call for readers to send in their results. it is so inspitrational to see that it can be done! This is my year, I can ffel it! So excited to make it happen!! Thanks for the great information and inspiration.