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I love when the weather gets warmer, the days get longer, and you can spend more and more time outside! As a parent I totally understand that summer vacation can be somewhat of a two-edge sword: so nice that everyone is finally out of school, but now what the heck do we do with our time to fill up our days? To answer this question, I’ve come up with this list of 50 of my favorite activities to do outdoors with the little monkeys!! As a bonus the majority of these activities you do right alongside with your kiddos – a fantastic way to boost your activity level throughout the summer months as well!
Hope you find these ideas useful, and bring on summertime!
1. Go for a bike ride (Bonus – set up a bike obstacle course!)
2. Climb a tree
3. Slip and slide in the backyard
4. Start a rock collection – compare what you find with what your kids find!
5. Backyard baseball
6. Splash pad
7. Go on a photo safari – Let them take your old digital camera on your next walk and see what pictures they capture.
8. Rollerskating
9. Hopscotch
10. Jump rope
11. Play basketball (Horse, Around-The-World, just shoot hoops, etc)
12. Kickball
13. Throw a frisbee
14. Go for a hike
15. Go for a walk
16. Blow bubbles
17. Ultimate frisbee
18. Tag / Freeze tag
19. Backyard bowling
20. Play night games (capture the flag, kick the can, hide and seek were among my favorites)
21. Run through the sprinkler
22. Play at the park
23. Go to a children’s museum
24. Play hide and go seek
25. Throw rocks in the lake. You’d be really surprised at how long your kids (especially those of us with sons!) can do this and be entertained!
26. Do sidewalk masterpieces with chalk
27. Play soccer
28. Jump on the trampoline
29. Have a water balloon fight
30. Play football
31. Squirt guns
32. Go on a nature treasure hunt (find rocks, sticks, bugs, etc.) One of my kids’ favorites!
33. Let them wash your car (Warning – you’ll probably have to re-wash it!)
34. Go to a waterpark
35. Go on a picnic lunch and feed the ducks
36. Hula hoop
37. Fly a kite
38. Explore a stream
39. Build your own zucchini boat and have races down stream (flashback to my childhood). Hollow out zucchini and build sales/masts out or toothpicks and popsicle sticks.
40. Go to the zoo
41. Go to an amusement park
42. One word – golf! The driving range and putting green are fun places to start
43. Let them help with yardwork (pulling weeds, picking rocks out of flowerbeds, etc.)
44. Paint the sidewalk with water
45. Go camping in the backyard. There’s something about kids and tents – they LOVE them!
46. Play in the sandbox
47. Paint rocks with watercolors
48. Make a nature collage. Tape whatever your kids find (flowers, grass, small rocks, etc) onto a piece or paper.
49. Flashlight tag at night
50. Go mini golfing
Don’t get hit by the summertime blues! Put a stop to “I’m bored” and “there’s nothing to do” with some of these amazing outdoor activities. Get out and get active and make some memories that your kids will cherish forever!
What did I leave off the list? What’s your favorite way to stay active outdoors with your family? Leave a comment below!!
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
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Have a great day!