Have you ever heard of a suspension gym? Chances are you’ve probably seen them hanging around in your gym. You may have even seen someone working out with them. They’re becoming increasingly popular for one main reason – they WORK! Today I am totally stoked to introduce you to the newest crave in the suspension world!
Tone and Tighten has partnered up with FreeMotion Fitness to give you your very own rip:60 suspension gym system!

I am totally excited for this giveaway! I have always been a huge fan of suspension workouts and feel that it is an essential part of any home gym. Don’t have a lot of space? Don’t have a lot of money to spend on gym equipment or memberships? Then rip 60 is the perfect product for you!! With literally hundreds of exercises available, you can fold the whole thing up into a small backpack and it costs less than 100 bucks. Mine has always been a vital piece in my home training and I really don’t think I could get by without it!
Here’s Jillian Michaels to tell you a little more about it…
What’s included in the giveaway?
rip:60 suspension gym
12 workout dvd’s to maximize your outcomes
Nutrition guide: 8 weeks of healthy eating
Wall poster with pictures of workouts
Carrying bag
So let’s do this already!!! Entering is super easy and you can do it multiple times! Simply use the form below to like FreeMotion and Tone and Tighten on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and follow us on Google+. Each like or follow equals one entrance into the giveaway (up to 6 entrances available!!). Already like or follow T&T and/or FreeMotion? No problem- it still counts when you click on the entrance form!! This contest will run for one week with the winner being announced on Sunday, February 22.
I would like to give a mad shout-out to FreeMotion for sponsoring this amazing giveaway! Make sure to check them out to see more amazing things they’re doing in the fitness world.
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!