Want to feel more comfortable using the machines at the gym? Here’s a great place to start. Bringing you the best upper body gym machine exercises that should be in everyone’s regular workout schedule. The top 5 gym machines you need to learn how to use for the best upper body workout at the gym.
Best Upper Body Gym Machine Exercises – The Moves You Need To Be Doing
- Chest Press
- Seated Row
- Lat Pull-Down
- Military Press
- Pec Fly/Rear Delt Fly
Keep reading for a step-by-step guide of the workout with pictures and descriptions of each of these exercises.
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Have you always wanted to workout with some of the machines in your gym but lacked the confidence to go through with it?
Many people I encounter express at least some degree of trepidation about the gym machines stating their insecurity to execute them properly. Well no more- today’s post is dedicated to you, my machine-timid friend.
Today we’re looking at the 5 Best Upper Body Gym Machines along with a short how-to tutorial on how to perform them properly.
Don’t fear the gym machines … saddle up and ride.
Remember, good things take time. If you keep up a regular strength-training routine that is well balanced, you should start to notice a difference in your strength within 1-2 months.
Be sure to start your new workout routines with low weight to master correct form and then slowly increase the weight.
You can definitely get in a good workout everyday whether that’s at the gym with the gym machines, free weights, treadmill, fitness classes, etc. or even doing something at home. A gym membership isn’t for everyone and you can easily get in a great workout at home if that better fits your schedule.
However, it’s important to have a habit of regular physical activity. Try to do something active each day to get your heart rate up, even if it is just for 20 minutes.
If you aren’t going to the gym because you don’t feel comfortable using the gym machines, I’m here to help. Use these exercises below to help you learn correct form and technique for a great upper-body gym machine workout.
Try this workout!
Here’s a list of the top 5 gym machines you need to learn how to use, complete with pictures and descriptions to help you learn the correct technique and form. Perform 3 sets of each exercise and you’ll get in a great upper body workout at the gym today.
The Workout
Chest Press
- Adjust the weight to a comfortable resistance and the seat to a comfortable height.
- Sit in the seat and grab the handles in front of you (many machines will have different grip options – I like to try a new grip for each different set of the exercise).
- Push the weight away from you by contracting your chest and extending your elbows until straight.
- Return slowly to the starting position.
3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
Seated Row
- Adjust the weight to a comfortable resistance and the seat to a comfortable height.
- Sit facing the machine with your chest against the pad.
- Reach out in front of you and grab the handles (again, most of these machines offer various grip positions. Play around with it; again I like a new grip position each set).
- Contract the muscles in your back and arms to pull the handles towards your chest.
- Return slowly to starting position.
3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
Lat Pull-Down
- Adjust the weight to a comfortable resistance and the seat to a comfortable height.
- Sit on the seat and adjust the thigh pad so it sits firmly on top of your thighs (this will keep you from lifting right out of the seat).
- Reach above your head and grab the bar (here we go with that grip thing again – I usually vary my grips wide to narrow and palms out to palms in. Don’t be afraid to experiment).
- Pull the bar straight down towards your chest until it’s just under chin level.
- Slowly return to starting position.
3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
Military Press
- Adjust the weight to a comfortable resistance and the seat to a comfortable height.
- Grasp the handles (should be at about ear level) – again play with different grips for different variations on the exercise.
- Push the handles straight over your head until your elbows are extended.
- Slowly return to starting position.
3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
Pec Fly and Rear Delt Fly
- Adjust the weight to a comfortable resistance and the seat to a comfortable height.
- For pec flies: face away from the machines with the handles straight out to your sides.
- Contract your pecs and pull your hands together in front of you in a horizontal motion.
- Return to starting position.
- For rear delt flies: turn around so you’re facing the machine.
- These machines usually have some sort of pin on the arm (look above you) that you can pull to adjust the arms. Take them all the way to the back so they’re straight in front of you as you sit facing the machine.
- Keep your arms straight and use the muscles in your back and in the back of your shoulders to pull the handles straight out to your sides.
- Slowly return to starting position.
3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each
You got it! Great job in the gym today working your upper body.
Be sure to follow Tone and Tighten on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for more workouts, recipes, and fitness tips.
Interested in more great gym workouts? Give these a try:
Want to get in shape, but don’t know where to start? Check out my new 8 Week Beginners Workout Guide.
A complete at-home plan to help you reach your fitness goals. Click here for all the details.

If you’re looking for something more challenging you might like my 8-Week advanced workout plan.
Perfect for anyone looking to take their results to the next level. Check it out here.

As always, if you have any questions about health, fitness, exercise, etc. please feel free to ask. I would love to help out if I can. Leave a comment below or email me at toneandtightenfitness{at}gmail.com
Make it happen,
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day,