The hips are one of the most important yet often over-looked muscle group in the body. They’re a vital part of your core and play an integral role in movement. Function aside – they also make your new pair of jeans look amazing! This new workout on Tone and Tighten is dedicated to those of you looking to strengthen and tone your hips and add a little shape/definition as well. Here we go!
Mountain Climbers
Go tell it on the mountain – killer exercise for the front of the hips and core!
40 reps (20 on each leg)
Flutter Kicks
The bigger the flutter the more it works! Killer for the hip flexors and lower abdominals.
40 reps (20 on each leg)
Lateral Slide Lunges
Use a furniture slider (best), paper plate on carpet (better), or towel/sock on hardwood floors or tile (good). Sliding out and in is a great way to nuke the inner and outer thighs while up and down is grabbing the glutes.
10 reps on each leg
Hip Hikes
Stand laterally on the edge of a stair on your left foot. Slowly lower your right heel to the ground (left leg can bend slightly). Straighten up again and raise your hip as high up towards the ceiling as possible. Return to starting position for one rep. That, my friends, is your hip abductor!
10 reps on each leg
Single Leg Bridge (with hip lock)
Giving the opposite limb a big hug takes a lot of hamstring and lower back out of the equation thereby ensuring an amazing “butt burn” with this one!
10 reps on each leg
Side-Lying Abduction
One of the most basic but essential hip exercises! Increase intensity in a modified side plank. REALLY nuke the hip abductors up in a full side plank with hip abduction.
10-20 on each leg (depending on which variation you perform – try to push yourself!)
Wall Sit with Hip Abduction
And we’ll finish them off with a good ol’ wall sit! Take it to the next level by looping a resistance band or a belt around your knees and push out into the band/belt while down in a wall sit.
60 seconds
Feeling it in your hips yet? Well you will be after two more sets of each exercise (3 sets of each total)!!
Pin it if your hips are feeling it!!
Looking for more incredible leg workouts? Here are a few of my favorites on Tone and Tighten!
Question or comment? You can always leave it below or email me directly at [email protected]
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to
Have a great day!