I first heard this quote while reading the book “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall. As I researched the origins of the quote a little more it’s controversial as to who originally said it, but I LOVE the message it conveys. I think that somewhere deep inside our bodies crave physical activity. Call it innate, primal, or just plain crazy, but your body wants to be active and the needs to be moving. And it applies to so much more than running…
Now granted, I’m not a big “runner”. I’ve done my fair share of 5K’s and enjoy getting out on a Saturday morning run before the kiddos wake up, but I’m admittedly more of a weight-head myself. That certainly doesn’t mean that I don’t love the message this quote conveys. To me it says so much more than “you better be running”. I interpret it as “it’s the start of a new day. You have a whole 24 hours of choices in front of you and they start right now. How will you choose to spend your time?” Health, fitness, exercise, and wellness are certainly choices. WHY NOT CHOOSE THEM? When the sun comes up and you’re presented with a day’s worth of opportunities choose to make yourself- your mind – your body – your soul – a priority. I promise you will feel healthier, happier, and ready to outrun any lion or chase down any gazelle that may come your way.
Make it happen,
Some excellent places to start in choosing to be fit and active!
Total-body low-impact workout
Burn 100 calories in 10 minutes! Ab Workout
Total-body pyramid workout

Have a great day!