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Heads up! The weather is turning warmer and tank top season is right around the corner! If you’re looking to tone up and add some definition to your upper extremities after the long cold winter, I’ve got just the solution for you! This is one of my favorite upper-body series that you can do at home with just a pair of dumbbells. We’ll work every major muscle group including the chest, back, arms, and shoulders to help you add sleek and sexy definition just in time for summer. Let’s do it…
Looking for more great workouts that you can do at home?
How about 30 of them in a neat, easy-to-follow package?!
Get Tone and Tighten’s “30 For 30 Workout Series” ebook!
30 Complete workouts you can do at home that take 30 minutes or less to complete!
CLICK HERE for more information
The Workout
When getting through this workout, I’m all about super-setting. That means we’re going to work one muscle group and then while that one is taking a rest we’ll work another muscle group (usually that performs the opposite motion). Simply put – you work the pushers while the pullers are taking a rest. Does that make sense? Because if not – it sure will before you know it…
Circuit 1
Chest Flies with Dumbbells OR Push Ups – 10 reps

Bent Over Dumbbell Row – 10 reps each arm

Repeat three times and then move on to Circuit 2

Circuit 2Lateral Deltoid Flies – 10 reps
Upright Rows – 10 reps

Repeat each circuit 3 times and then move on to Circuit 3

Circuit 3Biceps Curls – 10 reps each arm

Triceps Kickbacks – 10 reps each arm

Triceps Kickbacks – 10 reps each arm

Repeated 3 times and…

You completely dominated this workout!
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It’s completely FREE and is super easy!
Simply enter your name and email in the black bar found at the top of this screen.
Question or comment for Jared? I would love to hear from you! Leave me a comment below or email me at ToneandTightenFitness{at}gmail.com
Make it happen,